Birdseye’s Trading Center

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Birdseye’s Trading Center

This topic contains 35 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Emma0074 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #718903


    Hey everyone. I have a large selection of PSI, exclusives and rares. I will post my trading list soon. I have a Time Warp Clock that I don’t want as well. Does anyone want it? I will give it to the first person who says they would like it. -birdseye-

    1. #721563

      BIRDSEYE11- Not sure if the Lava Dragon Bed is spoken for already, but if not, are you looking for other PSI for it? LMK and I can post a list. Thanks.

    2. #721442


      Bamboo, what would you want to trade for the lava bed. I saw that you have the neo gothic coffee table but I would need a really good deal for the lava bed. I would be willing to trade another PSI, or two rares, two exclusives, or one exclusive or one rare. I would also be willing to trade a super rare item like the egyptian bed, or the neo gothic bed, or any ohter rare bed except for the Palace Princess Bed. -birdseye-

    3. #721440


      Catdy, what would you want to trade for your Serene Highness Sofa? I know you want the Northern Lights Bed but I usually trade PSI for PSI or a really good deal. I don’t know if this is too much or not but would you like to trade the bed for the sofa and the Circus Ball Trampoline? Let me know if this is too much. I could throw in a little something extra if you wanted it. I will send you the Time Warp Clock also. My username is ChipmunkK98. -birdseye-

      • #721670


        I Think that sounds fine to me, You are giving me the Time Warp Clock so I think its is fair. You send me the Clock, Bed and Window and I send you the 2 sofas and the Trampoline. :D I won’t be on Webkinz for a little bit so I will friend and send ASAP.

    4. #721403

      hi everyone! i have a diamond piano, fireside carousel, PROMO over the rainbow ride, boys treehouse, and beetle bee helicopter for trade! i’m looking for promo items, and thease things. burrowing cliffside slide, sly slide, endangered wolf swing, savanna BBQ, banana jukebox, and other things. PLMKSNOL

      • #723678

        oh for trade i also have the PROMO rainbow fountai of wow and alps rescue station and two icy artic organs. i also don’t need the banana boombox, and BBQ. so yeah. PLMKSNOL

    5. #721374


      The Window for sofa is fine with me. My user name is catdy. My Exclusives are: Salt Water Aqua Table, King of the Garden Statue, Northern Lands Statue, And I have 13 tokens that I can get something with. My Rares are: Ceasers Chair, Ascended Princess Throne, Viscountess Vanity Chair, Her Serene Highness Sofa, Soverign Stained Glass Window. I think that is it.

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