Calm Down People!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Calm Down People!!

This topic contains 17 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  zebb5 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #843546


    Ok, before I start I have to say I am not trying to be rude in any way its my opinion on this signature situation. First of this problem wasn’t a issue in the beginning. It was calling and emailing Ganz. Then people started budding heads about the problem. People who made a big deal about it were saying #savethesigs and whining about signatures leaving and how the new webkinz are “babyish”. Then people who dont care as much are explaining how webkinz weren’t created for preteens and teens. Then the people who care start screaming and yelling at the other people. Then drama starts. Later on people got more angry because they didn’t get a signature black wolf! People let out a lot of this angry in October when the signature moose came out, they were saying its not cute, who even wanted a moose, or what does a moose have to do with October a signature black wolf is better for October. Some of you guys need to understand you won’t always get what you want the moose represents a nation! But people who don’t care as much don’t act like its not important. I’m not trying to be mean to anyone I’m just saying my opinion.

    1. #858556


      Hey everyone….I can see why Ganz took away signatures. They were quite expensive and maybe not enough people were buying them. I also think that Ganz is doing a good job with listening to us by using our ideas for different projects, so it’s not like we are being ignored.

    2. #847094

      Sorry for the big deal uh sorry bout’ it and *sniffs air frantically* something smells good hmmmm………….. GOTTA GO SPAGHETTI TIME :D

      • #849730


        I love spaghetti. I personally don’t think you made a big deal about it. You stated your opinion and people got crazy! Turning into giant crazy furbys. .-. Yeah I said furbys

        • #851346

          Spaghetti yum. So they turned into giant balls of fluffy adorable creatures. I want a working one. I have two that don’t work. Maybe we have some more that will work. Sorry for taking so long to reply I forgot about this forum. ;)

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