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This topic contains 40 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by Elizabeh 11 years, 9 months ago.
May 6, 2013 at 2:52 pm #756244
Hey Ya’ll i have several of the seeds so all i need now are the Marshmellow Seeds,Donut Seeds, and the Choclate kincash coin seeds. Just post what you want for them . Thanks!!
May 15, 2013 at 5:40 pm #758901
Hey Chloe, I was going to ask if you wanted to go in half on sending points so she could get a new pet. Great minds think alike ; ) I have extra Donut and Banana Splits Seeds if you don’t. And Crissy I’m the guilty one who sent you the Too Cool Baggy Pant’s and Ball Cap from the eStore last month. And same here as Chloe, nothing needed in return for anything. Just enjoy and if you see something you need JLMK.
May 22, 2013 at 5:05 pm #761584
Hi Becky71W ( ?username) I would love the extra Banana Split seeds you have and am willing to trade you, if I have some thing you want. Please? :)
May 24, 2013 at 2:14 pm #762393
Hi Elizabeth, Becky is my bff, and between the two of us we can help with your seed collection. I’ll asks if she wants to trade them, OK? I need to make sure crissy got all the seeds I sent to her, before I gift anymore. That way I can see what i need to replace and how many. Oh, that is Becky’s UN. She scans like I do, and so may have read your post already. Your garden rooms sound interesting, I’d love to see them some time. DF
May 15, 2013 at 5:39 pm #758900
DF I hope to get a new pet soon if I get some extra real money! My koala looks so cute in the new wings- I like them so much better that the first wings but I just like wings. I am hoping my next pet will be a bird. I will probably buy a stuffed one and not an estore one as I have an old birdhouse I want to put the stuffed one in my room! I like watering my plants but it is funny because sometimes it is raining in the garden which I think is so cool. If you have any other seeds I would love them. I have the marshmallow, sushi, chocolate and oscilla right now. Also, if I get a new pet we can share my wings so if there is someone you or Becky want me to gift the other pair to I can do it! Let me know and thanks again for both of you being the bestest webkinz friends ever! When I first got my pet, all I knew how to do was play games but I am learning so much more and now I don’t play games as much which is fun too!
May 16, 2013 at 10:00 am #759145
Hi crissy, go to the estore on your account. I sent you enough points, so you can pick out any pet you like. You just buy it and adopt it all at one time, so you need the name ready. LMK which pet you decide to get. I think there is a bird, fish, adventure park pets, rockerz pets, all kinds of pets. Have fun. Becky, I have apple and well, I have all, LOL just need to send. I’m a little scatterbrained and have too much to do right now, but I’ll send those soon. Promise. TTYL Chloe
May 14, 2013 at 3:09 pm #758557
Thanks so much you guys! I got the pretty butterfly wings-that is the second time someone has sent me e store stuff and I was super confused how it came in the mail but loved what I got so it was cool that I learned today that it was you guys that sent me presents from there! I also was so excited to get the oscilly and chocolate seeds! .I do not know what an oscilly is but I will be so excited to see what it grows into- I put them in my garden right away-I think all of you are super sweet and I wish I had something to give back but if you need anything from challenges or even from this flower contest I am super happy to share. I don’t collect anything I just like some fun things! I am a koala…if anyone needs koala stuff let me know and I will send it! If you need challenge stuff or other thing if I have them I will share-Thanks again to all of you you make me super happy
May 14, 2013 at 3:23 pm #758749
Hi crissy, you now have two pairs of wings, you will need a pet to wear the extra pair. Check your account estore and adopt a pet. PLMK what you pick to add to your WW family. I’ll also send you a party box, to celebrate your new pet. I have more seeds for you also, but need to talk to my bff, Becky, so we don’t keep sending the same items. LOL. Nothing needed, just a ty note works great. have fun, your friend DF PS oscilly seeds are the collie PSI.
May 16, 2013 at 9:56 am #759100
df, hey its gracie. I was wondering how do you get the things that make food I don’t know what they are called lol plmk though, from your friend gracie (;
May 16, 2013 at 5:32 pm #759430
Hi gracie, been trying to ask you something, not sure my post went through. Is the pinkish thing that makes the turnovers, is that what you call the eclair maker? It was in my ice cream parlor the day you came over, PLMK. I am confused. There is also a cake stand that gives out a piece of cake. LMK DF
May 13, 2013 at 3:50 pm #758032
A very nice webkinz friend sent me the Marshmallow seeds- thank you so much! I planted them and they are super cute! I don’t want to say your UN and webkinz get mad but do let me know if there is anything I can give you back! I am not deluxe but I do have some stuff from challenges and contests I am glad to give you! If anyone else has some seeds other than the ones i can purchase on my regular account- I love my garden! I am about to make a second one- I just wish the watering worked better. Sometimes I have to log in twice to give all my plants water! I am actually live gardening tomorrow for Mommys Day and helping with tons of real stuff!
May 13, 2013 at 4:28 pm #758475
Hi crissy, I love my farm also. I tend it everyday. here is a tip, If you weed and harvest the plants grow just fine. Unless you want to water every day, there is no need. Which seeds do you need now? I have extra and will send you some. I love gardening for real too. We have a huge butterfly/ bird garden. TTYL DF PS Hope you liked the wings.
May 13, 2013 at 4:43 pm #758502
Hey Chloe, what wings did you send Crissy? I hope it wasn’t the same one I sent lol. I sent her the Butterfly Costume from the eStore. That would be funny if we sent the same thing. And being that it is eStore she would be stuck with 2 of the same.
May 14, 2013 at 3:23 pm #758524
uh oh. LOL Becky we really need to compare notes. I sent the new promo seeds and the dog bone ones. Time for a chat BFF. I sent the same thing. Well, two butterflies are cute. I didn’t even know you were friends. LOL my bad. Post on the way. Chloe
May 16, 2013 at 5:36 pm #759575
df hi I just sent u a friend request please do not say the username. it starts with a t ends with a 4please reply right here :)
May 16, 2013 at 9:57 am #759128
hi becky its gracie/girls rule thank you so much for the awesome gifts! :) sorry meant to tell you earlier I have been working REALLY hard on my house lol from gracie10294
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