Collecting Rare Seeds

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Collecting Rare Seeds

This topic contains 40 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Elizabeh 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #756244


    Hey Ya’ll i have several of the seeds so all i need now are the Marshmellow Seeds,Donut Seeds, and the Choclate kincash coin seeds. Just post what you want for them . Thanks!!

    1. #761919

      I only have 1,930 kinzcash :(

      • #762959


        Hi Girlsrule (Gracie?) Having a large garden(s), from which to harvest is a great way to make KC. In fact, that is how I make my money on WW. Recently had over 400 of each type of poduce, and made a bundle when I sold down to 200 of each. Keep gardening!! Good luck!

        • #763927

          hey I sold a lot of rares I now have 10,136 XD – Gracie

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