~designergirl101′s School of Lovely Design~

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives ~designergirl101′s School of Lovely Design~

This topic contains 192 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  designergirl101 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #761992

    Hello and welcome to designergirl101′s School of lovely Design. I have 2 popular design forums and noticed how many want help designing rooms. So I have decided that yes I will still do your rooms but I can also teach you how to design a great room. We will cover issues such as how to decide on a great color scheme and how many colors are too many? We will discover how to mix patterns,work on a budget and the importance of a well balanced room, plus much, much more.!

    1. #830737

      Good some new students! I will have some project out tomorrow!

    2. #830292

      Hey design (can i call you the *smiles a little differently*) when do you want see the room

    3. #829889


      you can call me youkie I would like a weekday class. I hope to earn all of them.iwould like to do a group class plz. thx so much your very kind

      • #830736

        Okay cool, I will have your project sometime soon!

    4. #829015

      designergirl(is there a nickname i can call you sorry if thst sounds rude) just curious do you have any tips on how to sing currently drawing a dog

      • #830735

        Tips on how to sing? Well yes actually………….. lol……………………….. So drop your jaw, make it huge! Thats very important for projection, and also for sound tone, and untill you expand your vocal range is 100% the only way your going to hit those Really High and Really Low notes. I would also point out that breathing is very important. It will take allot of practice simply because in singing you do not breath like you are doing right now, while you are reading this. You Breath not up and down, but in and out, expanding your diaphragm. This takes allot of practice, and you tell you the truth I should be the last one to tell you about this. I am only beginning to do this on natural reflex. I have more, but this ought to work for now. Sorry for taking forever. Oh, and I still really want to see that room, would later today work?

        • #831820

          thanks can I see more of you house sometime

          • #833742

            Yes, that would be fine. Not allot of it is done, I take a long time to finish most all of my rooms, but sure!

    5. #827906

      so when do you want to see the room

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