~designergirl101′s School of Lovely Design~

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives ~designergirl101′s School of Lovely Design~

This topic contains 192 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  designergirl101 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #761992

    Hello and welcome to designergirl101′s School of lovely Design. I have 2 popular design forums and noticed how many want help designing rooms. So I have decided that yes I will still do your rooms but I can also teach you how to design a great room. We will cover issues such as how to decide on a great color scheme and how many colors are too many? We will discover how to mix patterns,work on a budget and the importance of a well balanced room, plus much, much more.!

    1. #854691


      Welcome back! I hope you had a ton of fun! DF is off on an adventure today but send a note I want to hear everything!

      • #855586

        Yay! I was so excited to see you! :) I have a new plan! I can’t wait to hear what you think!

    2. #854604

      I am back! So guess what? SO IS DESIGN! So I was thinking we could all design a class plan. And when I can post a new forum. School will totally start! What do you think!

      • #854753

        Hi designergirl101! :D Can I sign up, please? What do I have to do? Have a sweet day!~SC

        • #855585

          Ye! We will post the new academy, when forums get back to working. Until then, you can help us decide more about what our new school will focus on. Hows that sound? :)

      • #854760

        Good idea.

    3. #849393


      It would be nice to join those. Will you still have enough time to do these, though? Or will they end?

    4. #846707


      What is my score on the report? I keep trying to invite you over, Designergirl, but it never works… Can’t wait for the classes! :)

      • #847764

        Alright-y Guys, yes 613 dolphin I want to see your rooms. However, I am going away to study “happy” design for a month, so we will have to wait. When I come back I will be starting a school called. designergirl101′s academy of interior decorating. If you would like to start a sign up list. This school, I promise, will be highly organized. I will be starting it sometime around February 13th. Does this sound okay with everyone? I would like on my leave, to figure out what kinds of architecture and styles make us, as people, happy. And to find a way to merge that into every room. Comfort and happiness. At my new academy I will be offering a course on this. I will only be accepting a small amount of students, as well. I hope y’all are as excited about this as I am. I will see you in a month, with improved design skills, and a new high class academy! Bon’ Voyage, my friends!

        • #848096

          Bon Voyage Design I will be starting to work on some AG stop motions. Missing you all ready design D:

      • #848118

        With the report and room a B+ not to shabby ;) P.S it would be awesome if you sign up for our new classes at the school I will be opening on February 13th or so. I really want to perfect it!

    5. #845612


      when are we going to start the class??? ;) :U

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