~designergirl101′s School of Lovely Design~

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives ~designergirl101′s School of Lovely Design~

This topic contains 192 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  designergirl101 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #761992

    Hello and welcome to designergirl101′s School of lovely Design. I have 2 popular design forums and noticed how many want help designing rooms. So I have decided that yes I will still do your rooms but I can also teach you how to design a great room. We will cover issues such as how to decide on a great color scheme and how many colors are too many? We will discover how to mix patterns,work on a budget and the importance of a well balanced room, plus much, much more.!

    1. #765084


      Hi i would like to take all classes i would like private classes saturday monday,thursdy i will let you know in advance if i will be gone thank you so much,HAFpizza

      • #765417

        Okay that will work HAFpizza I may not always be on but those day sound okay. I am not really a scheduled person so do have kinzchat plus and if you want to add me I am boxcarchild (I came up with that is kinder-garden so ya) So anyway Hope to see ya soon.

        • #766213

          Just quick note~ My new forum opened so if you want to join the class you can. 2nd~ LMK if you want to be friends on Webkinz

          • #767291

            Sure Bostonterriersrule we can be friends. To tell you the truth I dont have time to join the class sorry! But maybe later !

    2. #764957

      Hi angel I am boxcarchild and now we are friends! I tried to talk to you but you left do you want to do your first class now?

    3. #764928

      Okay and then will you let me know when I should start designing for your forum. It is fine no problem. When do you want to start your classes.

      • #765390

        You can start working when ever. How about i start class on monday? June 3rd? Would it be easier if we were friends on webkinz? LMK

        • #766773

          Oh sorry Bostonterriersrule I was not on then Mondays are crammed for me! I think maybe we could do a forum class I can just give you homework and ideas it may work better that way. I am boxcarchild if you want to friend me.

    4. #762913

      Hey DG101 (can i call you that?) anywho! this is an awsome idea! I think i’ll start a fashion version of this! but anyways quick question? are you still working @ One Stop Kinz Shop? You still have a position if you want but if u r 2 busy LMK! Here is my sign up form~ Nickname: BTR or Boston~ Courses: How do I create a color scheme?, How different Patterns connect with different styles!, How do I create balance?~ Degrees: none~ Private class~ Weekdays~ So keep an eye out i WILL definatly open a forum like this! You can have a first priority class if you would like (sorta a thanks for your help and this idea!)

      • #764262

        Okay that will work great and yes I can do that , and yes you can call me that. So we can start classes whenever you are ready. Do you by chance have kinzchat+? If you dont its fine but it may help us. Because are courses are personalized and I am trying to work it out so you guys can really do rooms. Like from Garnet because the wait at Garnet is SO long only because they are really popular and have allot of room orders. So just let me know what you think about all of this and tell me when you ready to start classes.

    5. #763059


      Nickname- Angel, Courses- All the ones for color, Degrees I hope to earn- Eventually all of them if I can, Private or Group Class- Private, I work best by myself on new things, Weekend or Weekday Class- Weekday class(may change though), Anything else- No, that’s about it.

      • #763690

        Okay that will work out great webkinz angel! Um do you happen to have kinzchat plus? If not I will have class tips and assignments here and that will work too. I thought it may be another option for classes that may take some explaining. And if you want (this is to any of our students) you can let me know your user and I can add you. That way maybe you can see my rooms.

        • #764317


          Yes, I do have kinzchat plus. And my UN is angelkilby, I’d love to see your rooms!!!!!

          • #764824

            Okay well I do too and we are already friends! I think in the past when you redid your house you had me do it! So we became friends then. Would you want to do a class in kinzchat plus? If so let me know I think it would be easier and then you could do homework here.

            • #765460


              Sounds great!!!!! Let’s start next week, monday to thursday anytime next week.

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