Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives DIAMOND PIANO FOR TRADE!

This topic contains 40 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  hithereiamfreeze 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #684612


    Would you be interested in estore points for your piano?

    1. #685564

      dogfish, if you won’t allow to trade this precious item to me,
      would you at least give me the houners of at least listening to what it sounds like?
      that would mean alot to me. sence i know my chances of getting this are….. well, i don’t have any.
      so PLMKSNOL. i guess…..

    2. #685489


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-11-29 at 01:54 PM

      SnowFawn wrote on 2012-11-28 at 10:27 PM
      I was scrolling through your post to see if anyone has already got your piano..I see my friends have got it for me! Thank you….I thought it would be polite to introduce myself.
      I’m SnowFawn, or Snowy..
      I still play Webkinz, just got back on this week,
      And you have tried to trade with me before! That much I remember…at one point I had a lot of priceless..traded with almost everyone at one point! LOL!
      Thank you!
      <3 SnowFawn <3

      why hello there snowfawn! i don’t remember us trading, but i don’t have the best
      memorie in the world so……. anywho, i still have my piano. haven’t traded it yet. if you’d
      like you can make an offer! PLMKSNOL

      Hey, FV I already sent snow the piano, for free, a gift. If you change your mind about trading for the organ, LMK. I can be found at Calling All Trader any time. I saw what FF said about the organ and she is right, it’s not easy to find and worth more than you realize. You would have to get pretty lucky to find someone that will trade it for a few regular PSIs. You’d have a better chance replaceing the diamond piano than finding people with the organ.See Ya, DF

    3. #685486

      SnowFawn wrote on 2012-11-28 at 10:27 PM

      I was scrolling through your post to see if anyone has already got your piano..I see my friends have got it for me! Thank you….I thought it would be polite to introduce myself.
      I’m SnowFawn, or Snowy..
      I still play Webkinz, just got back on this week,
      And you have tried to trade with me before! That much I remember…at one point I had a lot of priceless..traded with almost everyone at one point! LOL!
      Thank you!
      <3 SnowFawn <3

      why hello there snowfawn! i don’t remember us trading, but i don’t have the best
      memorie in the world so……. anywho, i still have my piano. haven’t traded it yet. if you’d
      like you can make an offer! PLMKSNOL

    4. #685446


      I was scrolling through your post to see if anyone has already got your piano..I see my friends have got it for me! Thank you….I thought it would be polite to introduce myself.
      I’m SnowFawn, or Snowy..
      I still play Webkinz, just got back on this week,
      And you have tried to trade with me before! That much I remember…at one point I had a lot of priceless..traded with almost everyone at one point! LOL!

      Thank you!

      <3 SnowFawn <3

    5. #685345

      i am also looking for the cozy pink PJ shoes if anyone has those!

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