Donations Center 2

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Donations Center 2

This topic contains 91 replies, has 27 voices, and was last updated by  LexyMonster 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #770224


    Hey guys! Decided to make Donations Center 2 because right now my other forum is a little crazy. I will be making a donation list soon. Thanks for coming! :D

    1. #776634

      Hi Chilly, I would like the Tasty Treats Cart and the Gold Trophy Pedestal.

    2. #776940


      @Artisticat, thanks for the scarecrow! Becky, if you see this, thanks for the runners! That was sharp of you and a nice surprise. Thanks, again, to both. :)

    3. #776941


      @chillylilly, I hope this doesn’t post twice, but i do not see it, sooo… may I have the gold leaf trophy pedestal, and the tasty treats cart? Thank – you! :) noonesfriend / charlestonian

    4. #776300


      Hi everyone, not trying to beg but I need a Deluxe Membership. If anyone is renewing their account could you please get me one too(I read somewhere that you can get an annual Deluxe Membership for you AND someone else for $50)? You don’t have to but it would be greatly appreciated and I could send you some rares if you want. Sorry, not trying to beg, I just really want one. My UN is friend2day

      • #777044

        sorry chilly, I can only have one which when I have to renew I am doing it to another account of mine sorry! :( your bff, :) Girlsrule :)

    5. #776243


      Hey cutieny2008, can I have all of those PSF? Thanks. My UN is friend2day

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