Donations Center 2

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Donations Center 2

This topic contains 91 replies, has 27 voices, and was last updated by  LexyMonster 11 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #770224


    Hey guys! Decided to make Donations Center 2 because right now my other forum is a little crazy. I will be making a donation list soon. Thanks for coming! :D

    1. #778678


      Hey MOM, could I have the Charmed Fairy Shoes? My UN is friend2day

    2. #778385

      Hey Arti, I found the pirate costume pieces, I will send tomorrow (Friday). I will send the snowman as soon as it is completed. ~mom~

    3. #778381


      Thank you! :):)

    4. #778333

      @ ancharlina – I will send later today (Thursday). @ Arti – I’m pretty sure I have more than one set of the pirate stuff, but will have to check. Am sending the others to ancharlina already, but I’m sure I have more. For the snowman, I had one completed, which also went to ancharlina, but I have another almost done. I will send them once I have the snowman completed. ~mom~

    5. #777967

      Updated Freebies List:
      Beach Party Room Pack (deluxe)
      Summer Fun House Party Pack (deluxe)
      Undersea Dress (vacation island)
      Charm Fairy Leggings (asked for this, got 2, passing one along)
      Charm Fairy Shoes
      Charmed Mushroom Hat
      Boat Neck Tee
      Island Shirt (vacation island)
      Purple Flip Flops (vacation island)
      Tropical Board Shorts
      Pirate Costume Eye Patch (vacation island, don’t rock the boat)
      Pirate Costume Pants (vacation island, don’t rock the boat)
      Bright Vest and Shirt
      Umbrella Hat (vacation island)
      Unicycle Helmet (asked for this, got one in challenge, passing one along)
      Bright Vest and Shirt
      Showman Snowman (completed building kit)
      Wand Sparkle Bush
      Sparkle Spring Tree
      Cancer Symbol Wall Decoration
      Sparkling Gem Poster
      Conch Shell (vacation island)
      Any Super Fan Theme Items
      Any Bloomin’ Room Theme Items
      Any Winter Wonderland Theme Items

      • #778245


        May I have the Showman Snowman, pirate costume eye patch and pirate costume pants, please? My username is ancharlina

      • #778217


        Hey there, I would love to have the Pirate Costume eye patch and pants and the Showman Snowman. I tried to get a kit for the snowman today, but I saw that it was deluxe only. ^^;; I’ll send you some food back for your pets to munch on. I have lots!

      • #778655


        Hi mom, I will take the cancer symbol, and wand sparkle bush. Thanks so much oh by the way, it’s girlsrule122345 ;) -Gracie

        • #778656


          Mom, also I need webkinz superfan theme, crazy for webkinz carpet along with the other two things thanks!

      • #782601


        Mom, Do you still have the Wand Sparkle bush? I would love it! My user name is LexyMonster Thank you so much!

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