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This topic contains 1,013 replies, has 86 voices, and was last updated by  coldbear1321 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #722385


    Here is a place where you give away your unwanted items.

    1. #774608


      Hi again Becky. I posted a few pages back if you had an extra Sneaky Silo, but if you don’t have an extra some items I am interested include: Spellbook Perch (Apprentice Owl PSI; HUGE WANT), Nocturnal Clock (Purple Panther PSI; another HUGE WANT), Weight Lifter’s Station (Sig. Bull Terrier), Doggie Diving Pool (Sig. German Shorthaired Pointer) Piano Sofa (promo; BIG WANT), and Fairy Den Dress (BIG WANT). Thanks! :)

      • #775347


        Sorry, I don’t have any extras on those items. But I will be getting more stuff next week and If I get any of those items I will surely let you know. I might have an extra on the Piano Sofa, I will have to check but no promises. I will have to go through my storage rooms and I will let you know either way.

    2. #773778


      Do you happen to have an extra signature barn owl psi, Becky? Sorry if i’m asking for too much stuff… i’ve been trying to finish up a lot of my rooms that have been half-finished for a while.

      • #774625


        I will check : )

      • #774629


        I looked through all my storage rooms and I don’t have anymore extra of the Sneaky Silo’s. If I get more I will let you know. Is there anything else? I know I don’t have any of those cat items you posted about needing either. So If you can think of anything else let me know.

    3. #773800


      Sorry for all the responses. I didn’t know if they were going through. I LOVE my package though! Thank you so much! :)

      • #774631


        That is OK, the forums have changed and they don’t go through like they used to. And you are welcome, glad you liked : )

    4. #773806

      @Becky, replied to you, a few pages back, hope you see it. Recap: YES to pretty trampoline; no to Maple trees and pressed leaf plaques; thanks for tips, items, and mostly for your friendship. Will send recipe foods for pets. Charlestonian / Noonesfriend

      • #774640


        I seen it and sent you a 3rd item. It is a Promo item so I hope you like but if you don’t you can send it back.

    5. #774455

      becky, I am sorry for being needy all the time lets start a fresh new start :) I am happy for what you have done please do not send me the thing I really don’t need them thank you for being a wonderful friend that’s what I am happy for to have a bff here that’s you becky please forgive me.

      • #775414


        Don’t be silly, you don’t have to apologize for anything. I’m glad to have a wonderful friend like you as well. If you were a bother I would tell you. And you’re not so don’t think that you are. I will be getting new stuff next week so let’s just wait and see what all I get. And then you can ask for some PSI donations : ) Hope you have a great day!

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