Egyptian Rares Wanted

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Egyptian Rares Wanted

This topic contains 76 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  janeneongreen 12 years ago.

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  • #710333

    I thought I would repost this over here: I would like to trade for Egyptian rare pieces. I have rare, valued, PSGs, PSFs, and exclusive items I would be willing to trade. I might even trade my super bed for the right price. Thanks!

    1. #713999

      JANE- So sorry, I forgot I had posted on this forum!! I believe I still have the Banquet Table. Was wondering what PSI’s or Rare you might have, if you’re still interested? LMK, thanks!

      • #714008

        My PSI are Whale Sized Wardrobe, Super Fluffy Sofa, Wetlands Pond Bathtub, Three Wishes Genie Lamp. Are you looking for a specific rare theme?

    2. #713994

      Spotpuppy, do you still have any Egyptian items you are willing to trade?

    3. #713928


      hey janeneongreen! What super bed do you have? I don’t have egyptian but I have other rare theme pieces.

    4. #713898

      I can get on later. Have a friend request ready. I shall get on and send too you. I trust you to send back

      • #713918


        Thank you for sending first, I have a phobia of sending first…. I have already sent the Table, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy the headdress! Thanks for the trade! :D

    5. #713896

      I am not on right now but when I get on I will accept your request and I will send first actually. Just have a request for my account so than when I get on it can be there already.

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