Exclusive items for trade?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Exclusive items for trade?

This topic contains 95 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Gracie10294 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #746391

    Does anyone have exclusive items? Please let me know :)

    1. #753181


      the watermelon shirt recipe has been solved for a while. the recipe is green boots, summer fun swim top, and ballet top! Oh! I have some items id be willing to trade. 1.Hollow log lounger 2.Crystal Falls (completed building kit) 3.Wacky Hot Air Balloon 4.Rabbit Eared Television (Pet specific item) 5.Sweetheart bed 6.Nafarias potted vine 7.Unbirthday party chair 8.Mad Hatter chair 9.Amethyst Geode 10.Wooden Grandfather Clock (I will only trade this for an EXTREMELY valuable item because these clocks are very rare) 11.Rainbow coffee table 12.Starlight sandals 13.Starlight robe 14.Starlight head wreath 15.Cloud adventure dress 16.Zodiac Water costume bottom 17.Holiday night dress 18.Cozy sweater and scarf (retired) 19.Gold leaf armoire Done! Let me know if you want to trade!

      • #753258

        Hey what do u need for the rabbit eared television? Chilly, I will tell u the new things I have

      • #758829


        Alright, I don’t have the Crystal Falls, Rabbit Eared Television, Sweetheart Bed, Nafaria’s Potted Vine, Unbirthday Party Chair, Cloud Adventure Dress, Zodiac Water Costume Bottom, and Holiday Night Dress anymore.

    2. #753062

      Hi DF, here is what i need, 1. Ant farm 2. The wild water ski ( if you have these) it’s ok if you don’t just let me know what you have :) the things I posted are the things I’m trading I have more now :)

      • #753166


        LOL you need stuff from the wish factory, well I can help with that. I have been saving tokens at eight accounts, so I can get anything for you. Not sure I can find that banner and tapestry, but I can send all the other items. Nothing needed in return, JLMK if you got everything. The wind spinner, is that the one that is pink flowers? Make sure you send a request to all three of my accounts, and I’ll start sending right after school. DF

        • #753271

          yeah I get on at 3 to. Meet me at the trading room kinzchat ok?

        • #753255

          Sadly no it’s the blue one but I forget always what I have I will have to tell you at three when I get on ;)

      • #753290


        Hey girlsrule, OK I’m all clear on what you need, and got confused by your trade list. I’ll send the slippers and two exclusives as soon as you accept my request. , I’m happy to gift it to you, and need nothing in return TTYL DF

        • #753310

          Thanks DF I will give you one of my things to ;) thanks but, what do u need for them I will be happy to give anything for em. I will be on at 3

        • #753314

          Are you sure I will be happy to send u a gift :) to repay u.

        • #753331

          ok im on accepted requests :) and im sending u a gift df :)

    3. #753065

      Sadly, I traded the unicorn and the party banner and the webkinz celebration but I’m getting more things today I have a aquamarine gem lamp that’s one of my new things ;) still getting more though

    4. #752837

      awesome! thanks guys for answering :) here are my list of things: 1. Eurpoean scooter, 2. webkinz day celebration wall thing 3. watermelon shirt 4. Medieval unicorn tapestry 5. cherry tank top 6. earth day wind spinner 7. floras flower pot 8. party banner 9. spring celebration egg candles please let me know what you want :) im online till 6 then at 9 getting back on.

      • #753057


        Hi girlsrule! I have TONS of exclusives (retired and new). Could you make a list of the ones you are looking for? that would be easier :D plmk

        • #753465

          Hi Santa, well I don’t have anything to trade really. Just clothes from kinz style outlet I really need some exclusive items cause my other account won’t let me in :(

          • #755239


            oh its ok im going to send them to you for free cos im sorry about ur account!!!!! :D i was just wondering if u want any in particular or do u want me to select them? oh and what is ur UN? ;D

            • #755485

              Un is gracie10294 thank you Imsanta! :)

            • #756022

              Ok,here is the list of wanted exclusive items- the exclusive item Royal blue egg ( really need) rocket ship lounger that’s all I really need right now. Oh by the way I sent you a friend request on ww mine is gracie10294 :) is un on ww hedgie202? Please get back to me soon thanks! :)

    5. #752459

      I have some things to trade please someone??? I will list the things if someone has any please. . . . . . .

    6. #755875

      my username is gracie10294 on webkinz ;)

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