Exclusive items for trade?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Exclusive items for trade?

This topic contains 95 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Gracie10294 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #746391

    Does anyone have exclusive items? Please let me know :)

    1. #764953


      kinzklipfan, what’s your UN? I’ll send you some Halloween costumes and maybe some Christmas stuff if I have any. My UN is friend2day

    2. #764382


      I’d trade for any of the most recent Webkinz Day items or any of the most recent Christmas items or Halloween items. I missed out on the holidays. :(

    3. #764361

      Thank you chillylily for the gift I will send you the coins today -Gracie

    4. #763653


      bunnyheaven, whats your un?

    5. #762845


      Sorry bunnyheaven, I’m not very interested in those. What else do you have? Girlsrule, I’d be willing to trade the dress for a nice dress… like the Pretty Kitty’s PSI or another Deluxe Member Dress like the Forest Archer Dress or the Neo Gothic Dress or that Swan Dress or the Pizzazy Puppy’s PSI. Let me know what dresses you have that you’d be willing to trade.

      • #763311


        Hey, that’s okay chilylily. Sorry that’s all I have. Thanks for holding it for me anyway. bunnyheaven:)

      • #763751

        I have the Alyssa starry dress its not for trade though sorry, I got the tv from df ;) so yeah lolz – Gracie

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