Free Kinzstyle Outlet clothes here!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Free Kinzstyle Outlet clothes here!

This topic contains 21 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  Hunnypoo128 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #789666


    Anyone in need of Kinzstyle Outlet clothing? Well I am here to help! I offer FREE Kinzstyle Outlet clothes that can be sent to you for no cost at all, NOT EVEN FOOD! So, add me, karategirl0222 or just leave your user and I willl add you, and prepare for Outlet clothes; all for FREE!

    1. #847232


      OMG guys I am sooooooooo sorry! You have no idea how bad I feel about letting you guys down with the clothes. I am not a deluxe member, so I can not at this time buy Deluxe clothing. I will try my best though to become a member and keep you posted if I do. The problem with this forum was that I did it over the summer and I totally forgot about it until now. I have been so busy with school and everything and I feel so bad letting you all down. I looked at at my account and I was so upset that I didn’t do anything for you guys! I will try to add all of you and hopefully you guys will say yes to my requests, and give you all the clothing you need from the Kinzstyle Outlet. Have a good day, and sorry again! Love, shy__suzy22 (aka: karategirl0222)

    2. #814647


      Hey, my UN is the same as on here…Hunnypoo128…thanks for doing this!! :)

    3. #813733


      Hello ShySuzy! :D I’d love some free clothes! My username is PomJazz. Please friend me! ~SS

      • #813914


        I’m crazybratz011 and i would like butterfly wing belt and spiral designer dress. Thanks! ~crazy011~

    4. #813703



    5. #813413


      hiya karategirl0222. I just want almost all the deluxe gurl clothes plz and thnx. ur the greatest!!!my users Yioko789.

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