GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,557 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 1 month, 1 week ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #2245453


      In the past few weeks, I have received invitations from other players to “a party”. I have no idea what I am supposed to do or how I am to attend. Am I supposed to be doing something? Please clarify. Thanks.

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      • #2245831


        Hi Traveller – the party invites state the date and time of the party. On the date of the party, log in to your account and be in one of your rooms about 10 minutes before the party begins. You will get an icon on the left hand side of the screen that says “Party starts in 5 minutes – Go To Party”. Click on that. If it is a clubhouse party pack, your pet will be transported to a themed clubhouse room. I have never used the room party packs – they stopped working several years ago when the feature to invite friends to our house was taken away. At the party, you will play some games with the other guests and at the end, everyone gets a loot bag if you click on the icon. The party packs are really glitched – each party pack has a different themed food dispenser, but none of them work anymore. I’ll continue on another post . . . . .

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      • #2245833


        Page 2 – I have tested many of the clubhouse party packs – the house party packs are worthless. Using Chrome, I can open several windows and invite all my other accounts and have a really lame little party all by myself. Some accounts get the “Go To Party” prompt, some do not and it’s always a different account. Sometimes the party prompt just logs me out. Sadly, the ability to open several accounts at once will disappear later this year and the new desktop app can’t do that. I haven’t used a party pack for several months – they were the only way to get the Blanche Plushy and some Shiny Balloons from the loot bags that I really wanted for my collections. Hope I gave the info you need.
        Cheers! alphacat

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        • #2245869


          @alphacat Somehow I knew it would be *you* coming through with the answer! LOL!` I must say that your news wasn’t great but at least I now know. What would I do without you???? Traveller

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    2. #2245449


      I am having trouble with the Wish Factory. Every time I deposit a token, I get a “please wait” . It doesn’t accept my token, and freezes my Webkinz. I have to close out and sign back in, and my tokens are still on my dock. I am putting one token in at a time. What can I do?

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    3. #2244473

      So with the whole flash player thing going on, i got the desktop app for my macbook. However, it keeps telling me that i need to install flash player to play it. I have the current version of adobe flash player installed and its updated. Is this a problem with the desktop app? Because when i go to play webkinz on google chrome just fine.

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      • #2244497

        Key Master

        Please send an email to and we’ll send you a link to the Flash download required.

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    4. #2241659


      Dear Ganz, So, I’m sitting at my computer in the dead of winter in Canada. Yet, the snow has disappeared from webkinz world. It looks like spring! Wahhhhh. Why must you tease us like this? Officially, spring doesn’t arrive till March 21st. Respectfully submitted, Traveller

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      • #2242051


        IKR? Me too, even though where I live, we haven’t had any snow yet. :(

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    5. #2236433


      Hi, I recently went to a Webkinz party at a friends home, and when I came back into my pets room, I got a notification that a wall decoration was back in my doc, and I noticed that the sconce next to where this decoration belongs was shifted over a space. I figured it was a loading issue, and I didn’t mind it, until I notice that the Sweetheart Sofa that I keep in that corner never loaded back into the room, and it is missing altogether as if it was never there. The floor tiles are green and I can place other furniture there, but I have not actually placed anything where the sofa belongs yet. Does anyone have a tip for who I can talk to about this or what I can do?

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      • #2241615


        Send an email to They should be able to help.

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        • #2247431


          Thank you!

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