GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,557 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 1 month, 1 week ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #2454981


      I’m not sure where to send this, but the March Peek-A-Prize was not working yesterday and I’ve had no luck today. I can enter, but there is only ONE hidden Kitty. I’ve looked multiple times and have even logged out and tried again. I’m really trying to get the Grey Table and have limited time. Thanks.

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      • #2455449


        Hi candre – if you need the Soft Grey Table, I have extras that I’d be happy to share with you. If you would please send a friend request to alphacat, it is yours. Is your WW username the same as your NewZ login name so I know who to expect? alphacat

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    2. #2453913


      Sally Webkinz, I just won the “Mood-o-Meter” (I think that’s what it is called), on the Deluxe Prize Machine. I’ve never seen, nor heard of, this item before. I know nothing about it. It’s looks like a very cool item, but is it supposed to “do” something? My pet can stand ON it, move through it, and around it, but that’s all! The item does nothing. Is this one of the many items that ‘worked’ at one time and now no longer works? If so, why is it given as a prize? Or, is it an item that never did work and was meant for decoration only? Sorry about so many questions. It’s hard to keep up with all the many things that no longer work. It really makes me sad so many items no longer work. I loved how my Time Machine used to work. Our pets could actually sit in it and it had some animation, I think. Really miss that. Anyway, I would truly appreciate a reply here. Thank you.

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      • #2453937


        Hey alucard – I also won a Mood-O-Meter several months ago on the Deluxe Prize Machine and I’ve wondered the same thing – if it’s an old item that once “did” something but got broken during Webkinz X. Right now, it’s a decoration in my arcade room. In fact, I’ve gotten several old Estore items from the DPM that I can’t send, trade or sell – what I REALLY want are the prizes that are exclusive to the DPM. I’ve also won several items from the Rare Curio Shop themes – not very Deluxe – I finished collecting those years ago.

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        • #2454107


          Hi, BeezKneez! The only info I could find about it said that the “Mood Tester” was used to keep track of how your pet is feeling. Apparently, you could ‘click’ on it and it would ‘tell’ you how your pet was feeling. The info on the page showed the items Status was Active, the Type of the item was Furniture, and the Release Date was April 14, 2010. I could not find any info about when it was ‘removed’ from the game, or why it stopped working, or when or if it will ever work again. It’s a cute item, but rather useless. I understand that there are many items that once worked, but do not now. I just wish this item had flashing lights or something. I also wish they could fix these no longer working items. It’s nice we still get them as prizes, but a non-working prize, such as my Log Jammer’s Ride, which does nothing, is a bit of a let down when you get it as a “prize”. And, I agree with you about wanting more exclusive items from the DPM. Less food items would be nice, too. :-)

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    3. #2453425


      Please help. Is there another way to buy the the Season Pass other than Microsoft? Mine isn’t working. I tried to buy diamonds before too, but had problems. I don’t have any problems buying on the GanzEstore.

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      • #2453475

        Key Master

        Right now all purchases must go through the game, so it uses your respective app store. If you have access to another device, you can try using their app stores – App Store for MacOS or iOS or Play Store for Android. Diamonds and Season passes are not currently available through Ganz eStore.

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    4. #2452879


      Dear webkinz, will webkinz next ever come to the google play store for Samsung Tablets I been playing webkinz since 07 and I recently got my nephews webkinz and he currently can only play classic on his device but he prefers webkinz next because of the baby feature. At the moment he can only play webkinz next with my iPad due to his device only having classic. Also I was having a hard time figuring out how to add him as a friend on classic on mobile as well. Please help and thank you for your time! Long time webkinz fan and new webkinz fan in the making!

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      • #2452915

        Key Master

        Webkinz Next is already available for Android, but if your device doesn’t meet the minimum requirements, it won’t be available for download. There is no way to currently add friends to Webkinz Classic from the mobile app — you will need to download and install the Webkinz Desktop app (Mac OS or Windows 7+) to add friends

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    5. #2447153


      How do you get to your favorite forums?

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