GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,557 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 1 month, 1 week ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #910750


      When I go to webkinz mobile it says I need to update. When I go to update it says I need iOS 7.0 or over. I can’t find where to get this. Anyone knew how?

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      • #911055


        I am assuming you have an apple device (iPhone, iPad). If this is the case, then you need a software update. You go to settings and click general. Near the top, find Software Update. Click on it. Then it will tell you that you can update your software on your device. If you click the update button, it will likely take a long time to update, but then your problem should probably be fixed. Hope this can help!

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        • #911607


          I went there and it says “iOS 6.1.6, your software is up to date”

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          • #913545


            Can anyone help me?

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    2. #910507


      Good news. The floating pink hat from Monday is now floating with the pink glasses today. I am so glad Ganz didn’t skip the pink hat.

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    3. #910352


      Gennelle, I am having trouble with the floating clickies on Webkinz Newz. I have been on Webkinz Newz for almost two hours, and the pink hat for today hasn’t floated by yet. I have seen many Valentine hearts, but no hat. Is it a glitch, or am I just missing it? Thanks so much!!

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    4. #910336


      The free hat does not appear to be floating in Webkinz News today. I have been on here three separate times today and looked extensively through every tab I can find each time and yet the heart is floating but not the pink hat. It is not showing in today’s events either. Is it a glitch? I also have a problem with my pets having zero health, happiness and food. I found if you look at all your pet listings, it does show the proper status.

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    5. #910327


      So I was wondering if anyone else is having an issue with their pets being at 0 on happiness, hunger, health every time they login? I put my pet to bed and log out at 100 on everything. Then I log in and she is 0 on them all. but i feed her and she is back up to 100 on everything but happiness.

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      • #910770

        I’ve had the same problem, and a bunch of people that I’ve talked to have as well. It’s just an annoying glitch I guess.

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