GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,556 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 3 weeks, 2 days ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #949998


      Is this the section we should be posting glitch reports in? One thing is I’ve noticed some of the estore pets are more glitchy, their meters are more messed up and they can’t wear hats because they sit so low on their head that it ends up in front of their face. Examples: African wild dog, marble cat, gelato parrot, etc. Also, the kinzvile valley home will not go in any room at all. Just letting you know.

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      • #950055


        I’m having the same problem with the Kinzville Valley Home.

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      • #950327


        I forgot to say that kinzchat or kinzchat plus is not working on my account. I can’t even click on the bar to use the premade replies or smilies. A bunch of other people are having the same problem. Don’t know if this makes any difference but I am in the US.

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    2. #949987


      My husband thinks I am crazy for wanting to play what he considers a child’s program. I love it and I always found it restful to play for a bit when I got home from work. This new upgrade about did me in. For a while I did not want to play any more. I decided to stick with it and am finally getting it. All of the fixes have certainly helped. Does anyone else have issues with the program on a wide screen monitor? I can’t walk my pets all the way across their room. I checked on a normal monitor and they walk across the room just fine, only not on the wide screen. Also, I can’t move furniture around because of the wide screen, but I can on the iPad. Is there some setting anyone knows of that I need to make to on the monitor? Thanks!

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    3. #949849


      For the past week or so I cannot log into any of the pets rooms, whats wrong. Its one thing after another. Very upset!!!!!

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    4. #949752


      Is having your pet just set on and object in your which the pet should be a fixed item in this mess you people have installed?

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    5. #948672


      I can ditto everything said. Also I still get logged out with a white screen for months now. I also upgraded to windows 10 , with no help. I think Ganz needs to address these problems ASAP!!!!

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