GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,557 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 1 month, 1 week ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #879449


      How do you add friends that aren’t on your list? Like how do you type in a new friend?

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      • #879781


        First, click on your cell phone, which is located on the left of your Message Center in your Dock. Next, click the smiley icon that has a green plus sign (that’s next to the “invite friend” icon). After that, you can type in your friend’s username in the space provided; then they’ll get a note in their Message Center telling them that you’ve given them a friend request, to which they can accept or decline. Hope this helped!

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    2. #879443


      GanzWorld Moneyz prize selections are OLD. Need new ones. How about it?

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    3. #879405

      I have a question for webkinz players who own the walrus webkinz. Is the walrus supposed to be a underwater pet or not? I own one named Sir Winston and i gave him a normal room thinking walruses are mainly land animals and now he has a bubble around him like he is supposed to be an under water pet! It doe not make sense!! Will it hurt him to be in a normal room?

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      • #879416


        No, it won’t hurt your Webkinz; the only difference will be that your walrus will always have a bubble around him when he’s in his room, which is mostly just aesthetic and doesn’t affect gameplay. Hope this helped! (On a side note, Sir Winston is an awesome name for your walrus. Kudos to you for awesome naming skills!)

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        • #879764

          Thanks fractail! That helped. I am still a tiny bit confused at why it is an underwater pet! lol they have to breath oxygen!

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          • #879792


            No problem! And yeah, some of the underwater pets are a little baffling. Personally, I’m anxious to see what the Flutter Pig will be; will it be able to fly? If so, does it count as a bird (therefore granting you a tree room if that’s the first flying pet on your account)? I think it’d be pretty funny if you got a tree for the Flutter Pig, haha. (Same goes for the Winged Tiger and Airborne Collie; I don’t have either.)

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            • #881928


              I am putting my Flutter Pig in an indoor room with snow floor and White walls because it looks like clouds. I am adding ZUM Cloud furniture to make it an AWESOME ROOM !!!

            • #882032


              That sounds awesome! I have an entire cloud-themed room (complete with a cloud-making machine that I forget the name of but I think it was an old exclusive). Maybe I should use that for a Flutter Pig, if I get one…

    4. #879377


      I have seen that Webkinz Friends is no longer available on Facebook….I realize you have a mobile app for it (anyway I thought you did) but is there anywhere we Non mobile people can go to join and play the app. Would love to be able to get in on the tasks and prizes and have them on my webkinz main account. You should allow everyone a means to access, not just if you have a mobile phone. Thanks

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      • #881927


        I played WEBKINZ FRIENDS and had every reward. Problem is with the MOBIL WEBKINZ FRIENDS . tHERE ARE NO FRIENDS TO ASK FOR HELP. sO CHALLENGES YOU CAN DO ARE FOREVER. tHERE IS ONE YOU NEED TO BUILD YOUR town then cllick buildings for FLOWERS of different colors. The flowers come back several hours from the 1st click and as a beginer there getting several building is hard. THEN getting like 60 red, 60 green 60 purple , blue , white and yellow flowers was just takeing FOREVER i GAVE UP !!! I am DELUXE with over 100 PETS and it was just too much !! :( :(

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    5. #878979


      When you create a posting in the forum area, how do you add carriage returns to force a line to start on the next line? Hitting the return key does not work. Also, I did not see on the list of html tags which I can add to the posting.

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      • #879021


        Unfortunately, I don’t believe there is a way to do that; it’s most likely to prevent spammers from creating ludicrously long posts by creating a whole bunch of empty lines. Sorry!

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