GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,556 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 2 weeks, 6 days ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #993211

      Sally, and everyone else, could you tell me where in my dock I could find the Kinzville Valley home? Because I got 12,000 family score points, and it said I got it, but I could not find it in my dock. I looked in “Furniture”, and in “Decorations”, and even in the “New section”, but no luck. Could anyone please help? Thanks in advance. :)

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      • #993308

        Key Master

        You can find the Kinzville Valley Home in your Kinzville Map’s dock :) Just visit your map and search in the dock on the right.

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        • #993314

          Oh, I thought it was something you could put in your pet’s room. Thanks!

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    2. #992814


      I’m not sure what happened, but I no longer receive any challenges with the exception of the Monthly Deluxe Challenge and I haven’t received any estore points in approximately 2 months.

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    3. #992608


      My problem is that something got messed up with my Ganzworld account and I am no longer able to get prizes. I choose one and redeem but it shows up that my account is now about 20 letters and numbers long. Have sent two tickets but no fixes.

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      • #992610


        Btw, the account with this problem is leena14371, not the one I posted on. Thanks for your help!!!

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    4. #992458


      Gennelle Webkinz, I have spent thousands in KC trying to solve the Highland Jacket & Top. I figure since it came out in 2010 that the clothing required must be from 2005-2010. Have any of the items for this recipe been retired? I really don’t want to continue spending my money for something that can’t be solved. Also can you create a list of clothing by release date so we know what group of items to try when solving? Ganz has released so many great clothing items and it is hard to figure out what to try. I hope the Ganz creative team will create an article on the front page of the Newz site to address this issue because it is impossible to find anything in this forum!!. Thank you.

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      • #992588

        Key Master

        All of the clothing ingredients for that recipe are still available for purchase in the KinzStyle Outlet. While I can make the suggestion regarding the clothing list, most of the newer clothing items are cycled in and out on a seasonal basis — those items are not used in the recipes.

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    5. #990748


      Hi, I’m currently missing all of the daily event things because my time zone is very wrong? Two days ago it was 3 hours ahead and today it is 5 hours ahead!!!! By the time anybody gets home from school/work all of the activites have already happen!! We live in Maryland, how do we fix this???!!

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      • #991342


        I’m not sure what time that is, but GANZ is in Canada, so they use that time zone. However many hours Canada is ahead or behind Maryland I’m not sure but all I can say is that KinzTime is the same time as the time in Canada. As for it switching, I honestly have no idea. Sorry, and I hope that made sense/helped! =)

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