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This topic contains 199 replies, has 84 voices, and was last updated by Hunnypoo128 11 years, 5 months ago.
June 18, 2013 at 9:57 am #772045
i have some items that i dont want and am getting rid of. my user is 4555056. tell me ur user and what u want and ill send it!! :) Bramble circlet
Pineapple hat
Straw skirt
Umbrella hat
Charm fairy shoes
Wheel of wow shirt
Groovy retro jeans
Martian helmet
Winged tee
Summertime skirt
Wheel of the month hat
Dunce cap
Clown wig
Clown nose
Holnwon golf pants
Unicycle helmet
Solar helmet
moon berry dress
charm fairy top
Pop rock princess hat
Silver tiara
Clown shoes
Super hero outfit and shoes
Pile of Persian pillows
Kinz cash side table
Town square clock
Monkey & monkey movie poster
Pop art carrots poster
Party poster
Top record place setting
High tech stocking stuffer
Framed photo of sera
Fish king bobble head
Jumble berry fields poster
Ice resurfacer
And tons more-
August 16, 2013 at 5:36 pm #802687
My username is estherfluffy and I would like exclusive items thnx so much!
August 16, 2013 at 5:21 pm #802432
Hi midnight! Hope you are well! I wanted to let you know I got my cousins old account yesterday cutie135. can you add me and send some stuff- she has 50+ pets and some old furniture/holiday but no clothes- anything would be appreciated- even help doing the challenges on the account! I have never seen so many pets in my life- it is a bit scary to think of taking care of all of them! Thank you as always and sorry to hear you are getting rid of 455- you are always so helpful! crissy135#solvetheneontutu
August 19, 2013 at 11:17 am #804051
im not getting rid of my account if thats what your saying ;) im just giving away items i dont need or have extras of. are you looking for clothing for your new account? i would love to help you with your challenges :) plmk what you’d like specificly and id love to help you out! have fun with your new account :)
August 19, 2013 at 5:30 pm #804799
I sent you a FR from the new account- it is cutie135. There are over 50 pets and no clothes:) Noone is sending me some clothing recipe stuff which is so fun! Aside from the neon tutu, I don’t think I have ever made a clothing recipe- I think my cousin must have sold or traded most of her stuff :) Sooooo- with so many pets to dress any cute outfits are greatly appreciated! AND I posted some PSF’s on the PSF forum so let me know if you need any of them…..as always thank you for everything! crissy135 #solvetheneontutu
August 20, 2013 at 2:13 pm #805241
Hi crissy, I take care of two hundred pets on my main account. they have all been played with and none are ever hungry. I make sure they are all in their beds, it helps maintain their hunger on a hundred. It’s nice to go to my extra accounts, some have just two pets. LOL You get used to taking care of them all. I can also send that account some clothing. TTYL DF
August 20, 2013 at 2:59 pm #805530
Not only does that make you a great friend but also a SUPER HERO:) After I get them dressed, then I will feed them and move them to beds- one thing at a time lol! So far today, here are a few things that can help me pull some outfits together and move some more pets- green spring shoes, 2 pairs of gold shoes, a pair of white santa pants (if they exist- I found a green Kris Kringle jacket on the account) , some shoes to add to the blue cheerleading outfit you win on the challenges, a pair of earth zodiac shoes, a blue bow, a yellow bow (if they exist), a top and shoes to match the brown plaid skirt, shoes to match the pretty plaid dress, a pair of jeans, a pair of black pants and that’s all I can even think about now haha- thanks always for everything- I have more respect for you every day……I can’t even imagine dressing 200 pets! crissy135 #solvetheneontutu
August 19, 2013 at 11:27 am #804082
Yay! I’m SO glad you were able to get that account (Because you were having trouble with the password, right?)! I’ll add it right now and we can be buddies. :D
August 15, 2013 at 10:15 am #802347
Can I have exclusive items? My username is estherfluffy. Thanks in advance!
August 14, 2013 at 11:45 am #802291
i would like the charm fairy top,silver tiara and winged tee my user name is arbol11 i will sent you something in return its a rare item
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