Great E-store items for trade!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Great E-store items for trade!!!

This topic contains 50 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #831222


    Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve started a forum but I found a whole bunch of codes I didn’t even know I had so now I have a new batch of stuff for trade. PLMK if your interested. Thanks, JEWELS. Big Pile of KinzCash slide, Bowling Pin couch, Frozen Fun slide, Lovely Iridescent tub, Elegant Vardo wagon, Chocolate Kinzcash coin seeds, Dog bone sofa, Fountain of Wow, Girls only treehouse, Snowy mountain mine, Tyrannical Rex sandbox, Tyrannical Rex slide, Enchanted Pumpkin cottage, Pumpkin mobile, Stained glass room divider (may be on hold), Whimsical house and Lily pad dress. I know there is more, Ill check and add it on later. If you’re looking for something in particular, feel free to ask. JEWELS

    1. #832903


      IN CASE ANYONE IS INTERESTED, I FOUND A FEW MORE E-STORE ITEMS HIDDEN AWAY; Singing Sunflowers, Blooming garden shed, Party mosaic tile, Sandy beach pool Thanks, JEWELS

    2. #832813


      hi babetteab! do you still have the Frozen Fun slide? if so i would love to trade! i have an arctic fox that i want to make a snowy room for! so if you could just tell me what you want for it that would be GREAT! thanks!

      • #834018


        Hi Pony, I’m just looking for new Sig’s and Psi’s and maybe some cool clothes. Also, if you have any retired stuff that’s older Imk. Thanks, JEWELS

    3. #832741


      Hi, I would love Big Pile of Kinzcash slide, Snowy Mine, or Snowy Slide! Would you be in need of an elephant PSI? It is my only “good” thing I have for trade right now. One of these would be awesome. Friend me at frogsandfly. Peace be with you_atom

      • #834015


        Hi Atom, I already have a couple of those, sorry. But if you friend me at babetteab I’ll send a few Psi’s I have in duplicate. Thanks, Jewels

    4. #832102


      OMG! Jewels girl, you have some GREAT items that I would love to trade with you for items! Unfortunately, I don’t have super cool items like you, but I do have some cool-ish stuff. Feel free to check out my forums for items you want or have that we could trade! Madukayil, how ’bout trading sometime?! Catch you later! ~T2MW1

      • #832144


        Hi Jewels, I have all those items also and even have the problem finding codes I forgot I had, birds of a feather LOL I have a question for you, did I send you a second window, the winter one??? I am not sure if I did or if I forgot, sorry. I have been wanting to ask but you are so seldom seen here these days. PLMK Chloe

        • #832901


          Hi Chloe, no you didn’t but that’s o.k., I know you give away a lot of stuff and figured you were trying to spread it around lol! R U looking for anything? If U R plmk. If you or if you know anyone with the old Halloween wallpaper, the striped one, I’d be really interested. Hope to talk to you again soon. JEWELS

          • #833632


            Hi Jewels, I was afraid I did that, forgot to send. I have extra and will send that soon. I am looking for the app foods, the soda and sushi, cutieace sent the dumpling and muffin last night. I could always use extra on those app foods. Which walls do you need? Yellow or purple? JLMK TTYS Chloe

            • #834185


              Hi, DF. Sorry if I seem like I’m stalking you LOL, but I would just like to ask if you have gotten the Donut pup’s PSI yet. If you haven’t gotten it yet, it’s no rush. Thanks!

            • #835639


              Hey DF- I have some hot dog sandwiches and reindeer candy canes if you need those- the noodles have been really hard to get lol but if I get some I will send to you hugs! crissy

      • #832902


        Hi! I’m not looking for super cool just older stuff really. lmk what items you’re interested in and I’ll check out your list. Thanks, JEWELS

        • #834405


          Hi cutie, I have not gotten my new PSI for Dec. yet. I should get them soon and I have not forgotten I owe you the donut/hot chocolate spa thingy. It sometimes takes about a week to get them all. I will send ASAP, Take care DF

    5. #832018


      Wow Jewels, you have some fantastic items for trade! I am very very interested in your pile of kinzcash slide and girls only treehouse. Is there anything in particular you’re looking for? Just let me know, and feel free to check out my trade list, if you can. Thanks for your time! –Maddie :)

      • #832300


        Hi Maddie, I don’t have a wish list per say but I promise to have a few things jotted down for you by tomorrow. I tried to post a list of items to donate on your forum the other day but it didn’t take so I’ll try again. I have so much stuff to share! You’re idea was a great one by the way. I look forward to trading/sharing with you. Thanks, JEWELS

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