Great E-store items for trade!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Great E-store items for trade!!!

This topic contains 50 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #831222


    Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve started a forum but I found a whole bunch of codes I didn’t even know I had so now I have a new batch of stuff for trade. PLMK if your interested. Thanks, JEWELS. Big Pile of KinzCash slide, Bowling Pin couch, Frozen Fun slide, Lovely Iridescent tub, Elegant Vardo wagon, Chocolate Kinzcash coin seeds, Dog bone sofa, Fountain of Wow, Girls only treehouse, Snowy mountain mine, Tyrannical Rex sandbox, Tyrannical Rex slide, Enchanted Pumpkin cottage, Pumpkin mobile, Stained glass room divider (may be on hold), Whimsical house and Lily pad dress. I know there is more, Ill check and add it on later. If you’re looking for something in particular, feel free to ask. JEWELS

    1. #838956

      Babetteab please tell me if you like anything on the list :) I traded the ice cream tree to a friend though is there anything on there that you like? Please Let Me Know. Have A Minty Christmas! P.S. I decided if I get the wagon another friend would like it. So if you could get back to me before christmas that would be awesome! Thank you!

      • #840784


        Hi Babetteab, would you be interested in a Slippery Holiday Staircase? I also have a retired grandfather clock and a mangrove treasure trove, idk, lmk what you think :)

    2. #838409

      PLMK about wagon. Thanks! Have A Minty Christmas

    3. #837399


      these are a few of the items i have for trade: Time Machine
      Time Warp Clock
      Webkinz Day Countdown
      Wooden Horse Toy Box
      Saltwater Aqua Table
      Bumper Car
      Antique Wishing Well
      Antique Lamp Post …..jami912

    4. #837344


      Wait, you can TRADE estore items?

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