Harmony Crane

Home Forums Pets – Archives Harmony Crane

This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Priceless 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #845069

    Just wanted to know if anyone has the Harmony Crane yet. The could for mine should arrive soon. If you do have what would did you name it. Or if you don’t have it what would you name it.

    1. #848343

      I looked up cranes and found out which crane the Harmony Crane really was. Then I looked up Red Crowned Crane on Wikipedia. In China these cranes are symbols of nobility, longevity and immortality. Their beliefs were, mortals who became immortal were carried off by these cranes. I named mine Xian He, which means crane of the immortals or fairy crane. There is a lot of information on them. Read it and see if you can come up with a name from it. ~MORHB~

    2. #848111


      I have a moucha pup for trad if you want to swich

    3. #847086

      Thanks all for the awesome names! I really like them. However I decided to name him Seneca, like Seneca Crane, the head game maker in the first book in the Hunger Games trilogy. Thanks you all for your AWESOME name ideas. #CoconutWishes#

    4. #846419


      For a boy maybe Major or Trevor. Girl- Norah, Barbra, Julie. (First names of talented singers) Hope this helps!

      • #847204


        Is this stereotypical because the name is Harmony Crane? Sorry, if it’s not what you had in mind. Friend me on WW so I can meet your new pet too!

    5. #845656


      I didn’t know there was a harmony crane!! I would name it Melody, Harmony, Monique, Cadence, Capella (like Acapella), Lyric, Serenade. Those are all musical names :D Good luck! ~The Animal Lover

      • #848200


        I’d name it Rosalita! Maybe Victoria! For a boy probably Jeffrey or John Cougar Mellencamp!!!! I wish I had it! :(

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