Have you ever won a quick-draw?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Have you ever won a quick-draw?

This topic contains 18 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  basketball5irock 12 years ago.

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  • #701355

    Okay, I won a Webkinz Quickdraw ONCE! I one a campkinz 1st aid kit. That was 2 years ago. How about you? About how long have you played, and what have you won?

    1. #708288

      I have never won anything.

    2. #708184


      I won a w-shop autumn counter.

    3. #708027


      One time I won a wshop football wallpaper in the summer and I recently won Rare Medieval Curtains. If you have never won good luck :D

    4. #707959

      I one a Treehouse superbed

    5. #707937

      i had once won. i forgot what i got. it was a glitch and gave me 99 scratches. it was not the prize it said

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