Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives HIRING EMPLOYEES!

This topic contains 70 replies, has 31 voices, and was last updated by  KoalasRock2000 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #792873

    Hello, I am hiring employees! I need to hire interior designers, outdoor designers, pet namers, and clothing designers! I will have more jobs open later, but there will be tests for these jobs! Just tell me what job you are interested in, and I will give you the right test. There will be three tests that you need to take. You will take them one at a time to see if you can go to the next level test. If you pass the third test, I will hire you to one of my forums! Don’t be sad if you don’t pass a test, because you can ask for a second try! :) Now, just to let you know every day I will check on my forums, and see if you are doing a good job. I will be owner of the forum, but you will get to help me a lot! The forum titles will all start with “The Team’s” followed by the theme of the forum. We will be called “The Team.” This forum will always be open to people to take a test! Remember, I am the leader of The Team, so kinda like the boss. Lol! But, I will need a person to be a second leader, to help me make sure that everyone is doing a good job on an assigned forum, and to take over when I am gone, but I will tell you when I will be gone! Thanks!

    1. #832280


      1. Frost. 2. Max 3. Daxter 4. Prancer 5.Whiskers 6. Scamp 7. Ginger 8. Champ 9. Lucy 10.Hunter 11.Song Lee 12. Conrad 13. Carney 14. Dilion 15. Charlie 16. Dexter 17. Luna 18. Sol 19. Stella 20. Sophia Sorry for the delay!

    2. #832036


      I have some good names: twinkle, rex, sparkle, fido, yoyo, kimmy, linnea, jojo, cookie, dale, chip, sprinkle, and spot. Let me know if these helped!

    3. #827908


      Pet Namer: I have over 100 webkinz and I have been on Webkinz since 2009. My Webkinz names include: Sky the Giraffe, Angus Young the Buffalo, and Carne Guisada the Chihuahua. So, I think Iam qualified for the job. Thanks!

    4. #827894


      are you reading these? just wondering :-) can ihave the test for designing clothes? or interior. and also what should i name my girl ally cat?

    5. #826189


      Hi, I would love to name pets! Give me any test you need to!!! Naming is won of my fave things in the world!!! Thank you! kbk100

      • #826295

        Hi i would love to take any job you have available! Please let me know soon!

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