Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives HIRING EMPLOYEES!

This topic contains 70 replies, has 31 voices, and was last updated by  KoalasRock2000 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #792873

    Hello, I am hiring employees! I need to hire interior designers, outdoor designers, pet namers, and clothing designers! I will have more jobs open later, but there will be tests for these jobs! Just tell me what job you are interested in, and I will give you the right test. There will be three tests that you need to take. You will take them one at a time to see if you can go to the next level test. If you pass the third test, I will hire you to one of my forums! Don’t be sad if you don’t pass a test, because you can ask for a second try! :) Now, just to let you know every day I will check on my forums, and see if you are doing a good job. I will be owner of the forum, but you will get to help me a lot! The forum titles will all start with “The Team’s” followed by the theme of the forum. We will be called “The Team.” This forum will always be open to people to take a test! Remember, I am the leader of The Team, so kinda like the boss. Lol! But, I will need a person to be a second leader, to help me make sure that everyone is doing a good job on an assigned forum, and to take over when I am gone, but I will tell you when I will be gone! Thanks!

    1. #802723


      Okay LWFG let me try this idea not sure if this is how you wanted me to answer this but it was the best way of explain it just let me know if their any problem with it or how I can in proved, what you need is 1-$1985 (Oak Paneled Pool), 2- $75 Picnic Bench ($150 for both) 3- $975 Cherry Blossom Trees ($2925 for all three), 9- $90 Geranium Bush $810 (for all of them) 4-Elegant Stone Pillars and Elegant Iron Fence (Pillars $675-$2700 for all four) and (Iron Fence $400-$1600 for all) and 4 Guzmania Plant $90 ($360 for all) How to set up this simple room is you put the one Tree in the far back corner and the other two in the left and right corner then put the flowers (Geranium) ( 3 for each tree) around the trees and put the pool in the front corner. Next after you put the Bushes down follow this patter from far back corner to the right side this is how it should look Tree, Bush, Pillar, Fence, Fence, Pillar then staring for the right side going to the back corner (again follow the patter) Tree, Bush, Pillar, Fence, Fence, Pillar. Next that put the benches (facing forward) in front of the Fence and in front of the pillars and put the Guzmania Plant next to the benches(2 on each side inwards). And their you go (you can add personal touches as you go). Hope this helps.

    2. #802691

      Everyone – I will be on vacation for the next THREE days! Plzz take your test while I’m gone! Thanks!

    3. #802304

      EVERYBODY – ok, I know that I have posted several posts similar to this one on this forum, but I want to make SURE that EVERYONE knows, and sees that I have responded to ALL OF YOU!!! The responses start on page 4! Thanks!

    4. #802303


      My webkinz username is snowgirly Names for the Golden Retriever: 1. Sandy 2. Sunshine 3. Rosie 4. Golden Ray 5. Lucy 6. Amber 7. Smokey 8. Lemon 9. Malibu 10. Golden 11.Summer 12.America 13 Sunny 14. Gold Star 15. Caramella

    5. #802041

      @snowgirly – CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve passsed the first test! You got 9 out of 10 points! The one that I marked wrong was snowbird, just because the animal wasn’t a bird, I almost marked off sparkle, but it was ok. What is you ww UN? Mine is cutie2970, add me! I will send you a little something for passing the first test! Here’s your second test! List at LEAST 15 names, for a signature golden retriever! If you do more, they can count for extra credit! Take this whenever you ready, and bye for now! Thanks! :)

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