Hoppy Little Rocketship

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This topic contains 279 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  bananasbw 1 month ago.

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  • #858335

    Key Master
    1. #2560530


      Happy Friday my friends! Just to let you know R, when you mentioned how the storms are moving in the direction of the southwestern state, it made me think of John Denver singing his tune Country Roads, LOL. We have travelled through the blue mountains going to & coming back from Virginia Beach many years ago. And I also have to say you could never be replaced :) When this pet sat down in your spot, I asked “is that you Rock?”. Can’t recall exactly the reply but I’m sure at that exact moment we knew “Yikes!! That’s not Rox!”. You should have seen the expression on our faces!!! Have a wonderful weekend you two & get plenty rest. I shall close now with John Denver’s song…”take me home…where I belong…don’t know the words but please sing along… Love & BIG hugs, B

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      • #2560658


        Funny, you should mention that, B, since the state he sings about in that song happens to be where I live, so you see my confusion about why these tornadoes are suddenly getting past all the mountainous terrain and hitting here on a somewhat regular basis, these days…all I can say is that the weather patterns now are VERY strange, indeed! Happy Friday to you, too, dear friend, and hope you have a wonderful weekend as well. Oh, boy, now I have that song stuck in my head, and let’s just say it’s not really my cup of tea…I’m a hard rock girl, all the way, and always have been! LOL ~ Lots of Love and Hugs, R <3

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    2. #2560060


      Happy Wednesday R! Both F & I missed your absence in Kinzville Park yesterday evening. We only stayed for half an hour so hopefully you didn’t pop in only to find us not there. We totally understand if you are exhausted & need to rest. Take care & hope to catch up with you soon here. Love & Hugs, B

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      • #2560294


        Hi, B & F, So sorry about missing our weekly date at the park yesterday evening…We had tornadoes blow through our area while at work yesterday after leaving severe damage to some areas in neighboring states beforehand (we’re not a state that historically has those since we’ve always been pretty well insulated by surrounding hills/mountains, but since global warming has completely changed weather patterns and severity of weather-related events over the past several years, all bets are off and we’ve been having some touch down in places that have never seen them before). I work in the capital city, and the last few times tornadoes have formed in a neighboring state and moved from the southwestern part of our state due east, they have traveled either through or very near the capital city. This NEVER happened throughout childhood or the decades of adulthood until recently, but anyway, we had to shelter in place down in our building’s basement for most of the morning, with a new line of severe storms expected to come through again around 3 pm, so I went home (continued)

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        • #2560298


          (continued from above) around 12:30 pm, soon after the storm had died down and had moved northward, so I could check on my kitties and my house to make sure everything was okay. Judging from lack of debris, it didn’t appear that the tornadoes/storm system had blown through the area where I live (thank goodness!), but it stormed really badly again just after 3 pm, and I was so stressed out that, at some point before the evening, I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until nearly 10 pm. Anyway, sorry I missed getting to chat with you and hope to be there next week. B, I wanted to ask you if you can use another Seaside Manor Boat Planter/Dispenser or, if not, maybe you could use it somewhere, F??? I ended up purchasing more points last week so I could buy eggs and items from a new theme to make a room, and they were still offering the boat as a “free” gift with points purchase. I don’t need it, so hoping one of you could give it a home. Take care, dear friends, and sending Lots of Love and Hugs ~ R <3

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          • #2560320


            Oh wow R, It sounds like you had a very stressful day. I am so relieved to hear that you, and your kitties are safe and there was no damage to your house or area. We had Tornado warnings yesterday too, and that isn’t the norm for my area. Hurricanes yes but Tornados??? The weather patterns certainly have changed over the years. B and I were thinking of you and hoping everything was ok. B said she didn’t hear from you and so thought you maybe got busy or fell asleep. I hope the stress didn’t cause anymore problems for your health. You already have so much to deal with on that front. Thank you for touching base with us and letting us know you are ok…As for the planter, I know B has the pet and theme for her room so if she would like to use it there I would much rather her have it. Or if she has another room she would like to use it in it is fine with me:) IF she doesn’t plan on using it, I can certainly give it a home in one of my rooms:) I’ll let her decide what she wants:) I hope you have a safe rest of the week and restful weekend. Let me know if you need anything. More Love and Bigger Hugs, F

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            • #2560322


              PS forget to tell you I finished my Buttercup Room! I love it and have to thank you for all your help in bringing it to life:) I love looking at it and having my pets in there. Thank you for making me smile:) F

            • #2560338


              Hi, F…So glad you were able to finally finish your Buttercup room, and even MORE glad that it makes you smile!!! I have rooms like that, too, with colors and/or designs that just make me happy looking at them or a feeling of contentment (and accomplishment) just being in them, and I’m thrilled to know that this room has a similar effect on you. So, I gather from B’s message below that a random cat joined you at the table the other night, and you both thought it was me at first (which makes sense!)…I’m assuming you each probably called the person “Rox,” so what did they end up saying in response, and does this mean I’ve been (gasp :0) REPLACED?!! LOL Okay, I’ll stop being dramatic, now, and in all seriousness, I love our chats and really missed being there with you, so hopefully everything will be back to normal next week…See you then! THE MOST LOVE AND BIGGEST HUGS, R <3

          • #2560340


            My goodness R, you certainly experienced a very frightening ordeal. I’m sure the kitties were happy when mama walked in the door. I watch Good Morning America most mornings, while having my coffee & tending to my Webkinz account, and was shocked by the amount of tornadoes expected in many areas. To see the devastation families endured just broke my heart. The last time we had a hurricane was back in 1954 although tornadoes appear to happen more often to the north of us in one of the large cities. I’m close to the lake & a few have passed near us but not enough to cause a lot of destruction. Weather patterns have certainly changed. In regards to the Seaside Manor Boat, I am very happen with the one you sent me earlier & suggest F take it to use in one of her gardens or in another cottage design. We have a busy weekend ahead of us with celebrating 2 birthdays…my husband & grandson. Plus celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary. Never thought we would reach that milestone. My friend says I should be awarded a medal for putting up with him all these years, LOL Take care, love & Hugs, B

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            • #2560458


              R-You could NEVER be replaced! Second your very smart friends B and F quickly figured out that we had an imposter in our world and at our table…They tried to play along and gave an answer in response to B’s question that certainly wasn’t coming from our friend ROX…we know her to well! Can’t fool us! Happy 50th anniversary B, and that is something to be proud of. Hope you have a wonderful weekend celebrating. Big Hugs, F

    3. #2560048


      Good morning B, thank you for the adorable Egg Craft Kit:) It is so cute and perfect for my Spring room, I added it right away next to my egg painting table. Can’t thank you enough for helping me with the missing item:) You are a dear and wonderful friend:) R, you were missed and hope all is well with you. Hope to catch up soon. Both of you please let me know if you need anything I can help with anytime:) Have a wonderful rest of the week. Love and Hugs to both, F

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      • #2560058


        And a Good Morning to you too F :) I was surprised to receive the Craft Kit & just like playing Hot Potato, had to get this to you right away, lol. Missed not having R join us in the park last night but I am sure she had a good reason. When the cat sat at our table, I thought at first it was her. Didn’t take us both long to figure out it wasn’t her. Have a good week & be good :D Big Hugs, B

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      • #2560300


        Hi, F…Posted a message above for BOTH of you under B’s message to me above. Didn’t want you to miss it. Please let me know if there’s anything you need, and hope to talk with you soon! BIG HUGS, R

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    4. #2559482


      Roxy & Frankie…searched for the Potted Spring Sapling & so far no luck. I will search thoroughly through my rooms Wednesday. Take care, love & hugs B

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      • #2559498


        Good morning R and B, I found the Potted Spring Sapling to send right your way R. No need to keep searching B… I had to make sure it was the correct one before I opened my big mouth and said I had it for sure. Thank you B for the Blue skates, my pet is already wearing them and rolling around WW. R, thank you for the White Egg items to help me finish up my Buttercup Room. You both are such amazing and wonderful friends. As always, please let me know if either of you need anything. Biggest Hugs, and more love, F

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        • #2559514


          Good morning, F and B…Thank you both SO much for going to the trouble of searching through your docks/rooms for the Potted Spring Sapling…I can only imagine how much time that took and want you to know how very much I appreciate your help. I simply couldn’t ask for better friends than I have found in each of you…You have no idea how much it means to have you both in my life, and I’m grateful beyond words. And, F, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you sending me this item and thank you from the bottom of my heart for that, but I truly hope this wasn’t your one and only Sapling…I would feel guilty for taking it. Is there anything else you need for your Buttercup room or any other room you may be working on? Please let me know, if so, and–as always–if I have it, it’s yours!!! Same goes for you, B! Much Love to You Both and the BIGGEST of Hugs ~ Roxy <3

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          • #2559588


            You are MORE than welcome my friend:) ANYTIME, ANYTHING you need. You have been a huge blessing in my life and have helped me in more ways than I can say. I look forward to the chats with you and B and it is honestly the highlight of my week, always leaves me with a smile and a warm heartfelt friendship from you both. I know you are both there for me whenever and whatever I need. True Friends always, BIGGER Hugs, F

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    5. #2558954


      Wow Roxy, you certainly have been a big help sending items from the White Eggs. I currently have everything offered from them & can now do some room designing. The bridge is the best along with the Egg Cottages. And those Stream tiles are awesome. I also want to say (& I hope it came from you) Thank you for the lovely Spring Day Dress. It brought back memories when I was little & my Grandmother would buy me a dress, shoes, hat & a little wee purse just for Easter. Thank you for this & the egg prizes. Have a wonderful weekend…BIG Hugs! B

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      • #2558996


        Hi, B…Thought you might be able to use some of those items, just in case you didn’t happen to get them when opening your eggs. Speaking of the bridge, I have a few extra if you can use more in other rooms…just let me know. Yes, I also sent you the dress…thought it was cute, so I bought one for myself and one for you and F. I remember always dressing up for Easter, too, and think I had a little purse as well, like the one you mentioned. I really loved hunting for Easter eggs (real ones that were dyed back then!) and was over the moon that the “Easter Bunny” had brought me a basket of goodies, the crowning glory of which was a big chocolate bunny (sometime I still buy myself one…you’re never too old for chocolate bunnies, right?! lol). Let me know if there’s anything else you may need, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend, too, dear friend. Also hope we actually get to visit the next time we meet in the park…ugh! Lots of Love and Biggest of Hugs, R

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