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This topic contains 279 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by bananasbw 1 month ago.
February 24, 2014 at 2:31 pm #858335
April 19, 2024 at 11:21 am #2562076
Happy Friday F & R :) To begin with F, I hope your vacation has been very enjoyable & I don’t think you have missed much this week with Webkinz. Personally I haven’t done much as it has been a busy week with gardening, appointments & just recuperating from all this. Plus the weather has not been helpful for my hand. Now onto R, I have thought of you often wondering how you are doing & dealing with going to work. I’m sure you are exhausted at the end of a work day. On Wednesday, I took the pleasure of purchasing the Planter Mystery Box Series 1 wishing to get the Hyacinth Flower House (which I did get, YAY), Strawberry Garden Bench (got that too!!), & a few Ladybug Hot Air Balloons (a few in my book means 3, lol). I have placed all these in an empty room for now. Time for me to get ready for my strength class. Enjoy the weekend you two however you please, whether it be catching up on sleep, relaxing, catching up on chores & for F I’d say laundry :D Love & Hugs, B
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April 22, 2024 at 1:15 pm #2562162
Good morning R & B, I am back!!! I had a wonderful relaxing peaceful vacation. Something about the mountains and clean fresh air, is good for the soul:) I had a little withdraw the first few days without webkinzs, but got through and just tried to not think to much LOL! We were delayed until 2am today so I haven’t even unpacked or tackled the laundry. First things first, catch up with Webkinz and my friends. B thanks for the update and I think the only thing I missed was a wheel spin that had the old EMO Jeans as a prize? If that is the case and either of you were lucky enough to get any extra, I would love to have a pair, and let me know if you would like anything to trade for them:) B happy to here that you were able to get some of the prizes you wanted. Those Boxes can be very random. R I hope you are doing well, and if you are still having issues I hope you have gotten to the doctor to get checked out. I know it is hard to rest, but you need to think of yourself, and your health. I missed you both and hope to catch up on park day. Lots of Love and Extra Hugs, F
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April 12, 2024 at 2:40 pm #2561274
Well, B…I should pay closer attention to whether something IS or ISN’T sendable, because while the curtains I was talking about for your Painted Peacock playroom are the Blue Paneled Curtains from eStore, I had thought they were a sendable item, and turns out they aren’t (very sorry about that). Sending a substitute from W-Shop (Boho Windows) that still match well with the theme, although they’re a bit on the small side, but you can give them a try to see what you think (package coming from Halo account). Since the style is less formal, they may end up working better for a playroom setting than the curtains I had originally planned to send would have. Also, the Painted Peacock Patio Plant I sent is another extra one I received from points purchase to stock up for the upcoming Planter Mystery Box and wanted you to have it for your room…I already sent F the one I first offered when we were at the park, so we each have one now. Hope you have a wonderful weekend– LOTS OF LOVE AND HUGE HUGS, R <3
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April 12, 2024 at 2:40 pm #2561272
Oh my goodness Roxy, you certainly know how to bring a ray of sunshine to a dreary day I’m having. Thank you so much for your gift & love the faces on the rocker & planter. So adorable!! You are such a wonderful friend putting others’ needs ahead of yours & I really admire this quality in you. I’ve decided to catch up on my scrapbooking this weekend so I am about to head out to have prints done. I think rain is expected all weekend which means no time for gardening but plenty for Webkinz & scrapbooking. Have yourself a nice weekend with plenty of rest. Thank you again & BIG hugs for all that you do, B
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April 11, 2024 at 1:09 pm #2561156
Hey B, With all the computer issues on our last park visit, I wanted to try and follow up with you on your question about taking photos for room design submissions. When you click the camera it takes the photo of your room than I get a pop up window asking for the name of the file. I enter in my name of the room and then it downloads and saves the image to my computer desktop. When I exit webkinz, my desktop shows my image and when I double click I can see the image on my screen WITHOUT any of the information you were asking about showing up… It just has a photo of the room. I am by no means a computer expert so if you have other information from some one else I would listen to them LOL, I just know how I do it my way:) That’s the song “I did it my way” HAHA.. Lots of love and great big HUGS. F
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April 12, 2024 at 9:55 am #2561238
You know F, if “I Could Turn Back Time”…then I would remember what I did, lol. Your instructions seem simple enough for me to follow & seeing I already submitted a room, I will attempt this process on the weekend. As they say “practice makes perfect”. And if it doesn’t work for me then I know you “did it your way! LOL Thank you & enjoy your holiday. >love & bigger Hugs, B :D
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