Hoppy Little Rocketship

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This topic contains 279 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  bananasbw 1 month ago.

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    1. #2526988


      Hey, Frankie…Just thinking of you and wanted to check on you and your family with this latest hurricane making landfall there in your area. Really worried for everyone in that location and praying that you are all okay and safe, and that there’s minimal damage sustained. I know it may be a while, especially if power is lost, but let me know that all is well with you just as soon as you can, my dear friend. ~ Sending the Biggest of Hugs and Lots of Love, Roxy <3<3<3

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    2. #2526644


      Frankie…Congratulations on your well designed Good Neighbors room featured Saturday. Love the layout. And how long ago was this room entered? Curious minds want to know :D

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      • #2526748


        Hey Banana, thank you for liking my room. It is one of my older rooms but always makes me smile when I am sad. I guess it reminds me of the friends that sent me things for that room:) Hint Hint:) I think I submitted this room about 4 to 6 weeks ago. Seems like when forget about submitting my room it shows up lol:) I am hunkering down for a hurricane headed my way;( Hope I don’t loose power. At least I have lots of family in the surrounding area to stay with:) Big Hugs Frankie

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        • #2526924


          @frankie98…I suspected there is a certain cottage in there which I am familiar with, lol. Watched the news this morning about the hurricane Idalia & the path is will be taking. Scary is the surge they were talking about & many have already evacuated. Praying for you & everyone else it doesn’t happen & being with family during this is the best thing you can do. Take care & many hugs of comfort to you. Also, I hope you & @Roxy616 received my vacation note. Missed hanging out in Kinzville Park & I’m sure Roxy had plenty to do with her recent giveaway. Thank you Roxy for all the wonderful items you sent & today will be a day of designing a new bedroom. Nothing worse when a pet keeps asking…when is it my turn? LOL Love & hugs to you both, bananas

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    3. #2526476


      Thank you Roxy for the adorable tropical wacky:) He is perfect in my tropical paradise cove along with the Tiki Slide. I wish I could vacation in that room. So relaxing. Hope you are not having a rough week at work and the weekend is almost here:) Let me know if you need anything at all:) Big Hugs Frankie:-D

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    4. #2526420


      Hi, Bananas and Frankie…Just wanted to give you a heads up that I posted a four-part list of items on the GIVEAWAY forum, Pg. 392, so let me know if either of you see anything you’d like. Also, Frankie, I’m not sure if you saw my other post about this (I think on Pg. 2), but since Bananas sent me an extra Purple Velvet Bed, I wanted to return the extra one you also sent so that you would be able to have two in whatever room you create or maybe could use it somewhere else. I have two of them now and am good on those, plus I bought a few extra Patio Plant Mystery Boxes last night to try to get the Blueberry Car (which I finally did!) and ended up with another Purple Velvet Bed (aside from the extra you sent), so I’ve listed that one in the giveaway. I appreciate both of you beyond words and treasure your friendship more than you will ever know! Hope you both have an absolutely wonderful weekend…Talk soon! Lots of Love and Hugs, Roxy <3

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      • #2526590


        Thank you Roxy you are so sweet and thoughtful. You and bananas are the best friends ever:) I can absolutely use the Purple Bed in my room. I just wanted to make sure you had one. I hate you have to buy so many boxes to get what you need. As always anything you need ask, If I have it, it’s yours. Big Hugs Frankie

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    5. #2525582


      Roxy & Frankie…Thank you so much for your advice & I’m sure I shouldn’t have a problem submitting a room design. Just need to figure out which one to begin with, lol. Now about that purple bed, it is an extra & don’t need it back. It’s all yours :D The Barbie movie was great! They did an awesome job with the choreography of the girls & guys dancing, Ryan’s singing, & especially the underlying messages. A must see!! I only had a problem with the seat. I sat on top of it expecting it slide down & it wouldn’t move. Thinking it might be broke I quietly mentioned this to my daughter. My granddaughter tells me to push the button on the side so I did & voila…it becomes a recliner. Talk about comfort while watching a show, LOL. Have a great weekend you two! Love & (((hugs)))

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