How to Earn 10,000 Kinzcash in Ten Days

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives How to Earn 10,000 Kinzcash in Ten Days

This topic contains 35 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  hoppybunny123 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #842139

    Welcome everybody! I know everyone wants more kinzcash, right? Each day your goal is to earn 1,000 kinzcash. So all you have to do is: 1. Play the Wheel of Wow every day. It may earn you Kinzcash, but it may not. Sell anything you already have or don’t need. You could earn 25 kinzcash out of this. 2. Play Wishing Well 2 every day. You should earn at least 25 kinzcash out of this. 3. Go to Quizzy’s Corner and answer some trivia questions each day. Try to earn 50 kinzcash or more. 4. Go to the Curio Shop. Find a Gem and sell it for at least 75 kinzcash. 5. Go to the kinzville theater and earn 25 kinzcash by selling the item you earn. 6. So far you have earned 200 kinzcash. Go home and sell anything you don’t want or need. You should have earned at least 300 kinzcash from this. 7. Go to the arcade and play some games. Some games that are easy to earn kinzcash include Stardrops, Atlantiles, or Candy Bash 2. You should earn 100 kinzcash or more. 8. Log out! This will earn you at least 100 kinzcash just from playing in the carnival. 9. Go to WebkinzNewz and play some contests or participate in events. Earn 200 kinzcash from this by selling everything you earn. You can get the prizes again later. Well, that’s it. Earn at least 1,000 a day and follow your path to wealth!

    1. #859685

      I know how to make 7,000 KC or more in ONE DAY! :-)

    2. #859090


      Selling things isn’t really going to help. Trust me, if you sell things to buy things, then you are just going to end up with less money. However, this does prove usefull if you work harder at the other things, and don’t sell anything.

    3. #856538


      that is really cool and just to add to it make sure you don’t fall into any traps of buying stuff along the way

    4. #854445


      what is the knizville theater?

      • #854568

        The Kinzville theater is something you buy in the WShop for $5. You click on it, watch a short clip, answer questions, and get a prize!

        • #865435


          don’t meat to but in, but thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. #853907


      Another way to get money fast is to garden. Do a giant melon patch in one of your outdoor rooms and get a return every 7 days. If you have 50 melons, that’s 500 Kinzcash. Mounts up pretty fast!

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