Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~HUGE OFFER FOR VAMPIRESS VEIL~

This topic contains 25 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  bob15dj 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #764309


    Hey ya’ll i need that vail so bad i offer white knight pants and shirt, Or if ya’ll dont want those plz post what you want for it. Thanks! ~Narnian100

    1. #818582


      I enjoyed hearing from everybody. I have been trying to trade for the vampiress veil for months. I have two vampiress dresses and would love to trade one for a veil. My username is jloug

    2. #816267

      hey, narnian100! i meant to tell you this last time i saw you on webkinz; i’m taking a break from webkinz for a little while. I found a new site and i’m kind of addicted to it. will send letter next time i’m on. ;D -Mo-

      • #820016


        LOL Sorry for being random, but would that site happen to go by the initials CS? I have like practically killed all my webkinz in the last few weeks because of this site XD

    3. #772029

      Hey Narnian, Glad to see you are still on here! I have not been online in a while. Do you still need the vampiress veil??? I have one I could send to you. For free. It is a different color, though, from GPC. Let me know! Okay?? TTYL

      • #772751


        Hi leah, how are you? Will you be playing more now that summer is here? I hope so. LMK if you need anything, and she got the veil. TTYL, trying to have fun in WW,Chloe

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