i have EMO JEANS and SWIRL for trade!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives i have EMO JEANS and SWIRL for trade!!!

This topic contains 89 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  funfashions 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #669993

    Cool I like those items I have PSI to offer. I have a new design forum (Lovely design that you will love) That’s my forum. It is tips and tricks forum but its about room design please check it out and ask for a room

    1. #670623


      Nineand9 wrote on 2012-09-30 at 10:18 PM

      ok, you all know i do a lot of trading. so i am sad to say i traded my emo, but now i have swirl again, and full ketchup, wacky, big black belt, and sry i traded my falls to, so chloe, now is the time to give up on me lol


      I am sooooo bummed to hear you traded your emo!!! :( I asked a few posts up if you still had the emo and if so I would make a list….glad I asked first LOLZ!!!!! If you get another pair, you know which forum you can always find me at LOL!!! Congrats on your trades :D


    2. #670622


      Hey! I like either one of what you have! For swirl I have Cat feet from the costume if you need them! I’m not very good with values lol so if swirl is worth more i totally understand!

    3. #670613

      MNM- yippee lol

      do you have a wants list?

      9&8- awesome trades!!


    4. #670605


      ok, you all know i do a lot of trading. so i am sad to say i traded my emo, but now i have swirl again, and full ketchup, wacky, big black belt, and sry i traded my falls to, so chloe, now is the time to give up on me lol

    5. #670572


      that’s what they all say, yet here i am, on the school honour role lol, um good PSI or good clothes, or cool stuff

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