I have Estore points. Need Plumpy!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I have Estore points. Need Plumpy!

This topic contains 153 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #698265

    Hi. I have lots of estore points, and need some rare clothing items. I need plumpy glasses, DJ, and hamburger. Please let me know if you want to trade. My username is sisterleah1965. I’ll send first.

    1. #705895


      i need estore points

    2. #705815

      Hi! @Sisterleah1965 I need around 15000 estore points.. Well at least enough to get a new pet. I am offering cat shirt, plumpy, elf shoes, witch hat, burger, dj and more! My user name is SealReveals

    3. #705734

      I guess you don’t have the points anymore, thanks for your time. :( DQ00

    4. #705707


      leah are you also still trading wih points? i need a few…..if you still have some

    5. #705705


      i also got plumpys arm chair….if you are interested. i have bunches of new cool stuff! if your looking for anything ask me. i have preaty much all the things you may need! lol it always seem tho! ~dancer

      • #705867

        hi Miss Dancer!!! I am currently out of points. however, I will have more points soon, and I know how to reach you!!! Thank you for the awesome gift from Supercool. I will see what I have to send to you as a thank you. :)

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