I have Estore points. Need Plumpy!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I have Estore points. Need Plumpy!

This topic contains 153 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #698265

    Hi. I have lots of estore points, and need some rare clothing items. I need plumpy glasses, DJ, and hamburger. Please let me know if you want to trade. My username is sisterleah1965. I’ll send first.

    1. #700715


      Hey sisterleah! I noticed some more points added to my account, so I sent you something I hope you will like. Thanks! -WF

    2. #700640


      the stuff was changed..and it did throw me off too! lol

    3. #700639


      i need about 10,000 points but im also ok with 5,000……so you can choose. i sent you lots if hard to find stuff….sort of too! ~dancer

    4. #700634


      oh thanks! lol. i could use 5,000 for the shoes….to super cool fat cat. that would be great. if its ok. more clothig will be coming to you too! your the best! ~dancer

    5. #700406


      leah…what was the 8000 for on super cool?

      • #700492


        I need Estore points so please help me.

        • #700565

          TMbigboy – How many points do you need?? If you can tell me what you need, I will try to make you a list. Okay?? I already have most of the items I was asking for, because there are lots of wonderful members who came to my aid!!!! I can update my list for you tho…

      • #700564

        Dancer – You have already sent the items!! You sent 3 items from GH02, and I split the cost up just like you asked me to. I don’t know what happend to all of our posts, they disappeared when ganz updated the site, but don’t worry. You are all paid up!! You sent an extra gift to me!! The spring fling dress and shoes!!! I have been wanting those shoes for EVER. What can I send you for that?? Just tell me what you need. You are THE greatest!

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