~ I need …….~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~ I need …….~

This topic contains 98 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  forest85 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #733349


    I need several items so if you have any of these just make a small list of what you want Thanks!! I need Rafi plush,Ghost pirate plush,Boris plushSera plush,Plumpy holiday plush,Pheresphone plush,Holiday tubby tummy bear,Vakentines tubby tummys bear,male fairy plush,Webkinz Foundation bear plush,Wz jeans,Woodland tiara,Charmed dress,Emo,Bunny ears,Pilgrim hat,swirl,scuba tank,fancy tuxedo,Elegant Victorian dress and hat,Swan princess dress,Pretty prom dress,Fall cabbie coat,Fire queen robes,GW spring fedora,Golden gown,Carved jem fountain,Fresh waterfalls,Fresh water fountain,Crystaline pond,Fairy falls fountain,Large jem finder trophy,Small jem finder trophy,Allysa music box,Ruby apple,Santakinz snow globe,Magic W snowglobe,Snowcat snowglobe,Grand treasure pile,Griffan gourdian statue,Neo gothic wardrobe,Masterful wardrobe,Sig sofa,Statley dining chair,Egyptian bed,Egyptian throne,Egyptian vanity,Any jemstone dog psi,love spaniel psi,Brilliant bandit psi,Lilac guina pig psi,Razzle dazzle dog psi,Sig calico cat psi,Calico cat psi,Pretty peacock psi,Sugerplum cheeky monkey psi and Chichi chihauhau psi. I dont have many psi for trade but just post what you want if you have one or two of these items:D Thanks!!!

    1. #733436


      Hey Narnian, I have the sig sofa and masterful wardrobe.

      • #733844


        Hey Forest what do you want for them? could you make a small list ? I have lots of rare items so just post what you want:D and Pippa what would you like for your Pretty Prom dress? I have Sunflower Bonnet,Paint can cap,Mejesctic monocle,Nutcracker prince jacket,Sleepwalking hat,Forest archer dress or Wildfower headress,Otherwise if you dont want one of those just post a small list of what you would like:D Thanks!!! Add me Narnian100

        • #734160


          hey Narnia, I need a really good trade for those 2 things. maybe it would be easier if you made me an offer. I don’t really know what I want. I see that we are on at the same time a lot maybe we can meet in the CH sometime and look @ each others stuff. that would give me a better idea of what to ask 4. PLMK

    2. #733406


      It wasn’t that I didn’t trust you specifically I hope you weren’t offended. I have to re-assemble a wish list and all. Haven’t traded in at least 2 years and hadn’t played … well last I played there wasn’t a map of Kinzville and no challenges LOL!! Just needed to get a grasp on how it’s all done now that I’m back… my pets missed me!!!

    3. #733396


      Lol peeps I am fair I will trade rares for rares,Retired for retired,promo for promo and priceless for priceless. I have plumpy and estore for emo, and estore for wz or scuba.

      • #733403


        Hi narnian, you can’t go wrong if you trade priceless for priceless and estore for estore and so on. Guide is still helpfull, some items like forest stuff isn’t worth as much as some think. After all you can get it if you play there. We were just chatting, no reflection on your trading skills. Good Luck, DF

        • #733409


          Ok :D And Princesskei if you have something you want to trade could we hold till tomorrow? I have to get off now:(

    4. #733364


      My biggest need is the FAIRY DEN DRESS I need it despo!!!

    5. #733360


      on this forum, do you you all have a way you set “value” on items? When I see a list like this I am often leery to make an offer because I haven’t traded in probably 2 years and I don’t want to treat another player unfairly but likewise don’t want to be taken advantage of. At quick glance I do have at least one of the clothing items you requested but I don”t know what anything is worth….

      • #733370


        Hey princesskei! I am very fair and I know all the values of these items because I looked them up. I have never cheated a person in my life and I never will.What item do you have?

      • #733371


        Hi, just use the value guide. Emo is worth more than anything on her list. Next the sweaters and parka are up there in value also. The tummy’s woth a ton and so are the snow globes. Cat meow garden, retired, woth more than two to three PSI if not more.Music box, very hard to find. The rest ,regular stuff and some pricless. List is over whelming, you should sart out smaller. DF

        • #733377


          where is the value guide?

          • #733382


            Just search webkinz value guide. There you will find values on all WW items. Good info to have, so you don’t get taken. DF

            • #733392


              heehee that’s the site I used to trade on… soooooo much work I couldn’t keep up with it!! Thanks DF!!! :)

    6. #736637


      Hey iamaWeb I only have one sig its the Big Bark Clock tower do you want to trade the sugerplum cheeky monkey psi for that? or else I have the Bunny eared tv,Wilds of the jungle sofa,Carfree cushion,Siamese cat psi,Bluffadooodle psi or Budgie bird psi. And I added you,And who do I send the points to? Should I send the points to iamawebkinzmom2? please let me know:D

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