I need all the new Deluxe Kinzstyle Clothing!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I need all the new Deluxe Kinzstyle Clothing!!

This topic contains 13 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  basketball5irock 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #717913


    Please help me. If you’re looking for anything in particular, JLMK. Thanks! :)

    1. #719146

      Cutieny2008 – were you able to pick up everything you need??? If no, what other items are you still needing??? Just let me know and I will send them over. Basket Ball – I will send you some items, too. No need to repay. You might send me some cool food or something like that. Thanks!!! :) I will be on in about an hour or so…. Leah

    2. #718618

      Hey everyone I really want the new deluxe stuff i like it all please help ill send you cool stuff and try to match the stuff from the w shop, please help my user is basketball5irock

    3. #718447

      Hay cutieny2008, I picked up 3 items for you. I don’t need anything, I am happy to help you out!!! We are buds….. I am sending the cute collar coat, the delightful dining dress, and the fine feathered fashion hat. I don’t need anything, I promise. Just be happy!!! I’ll be checking back with you to make sure you get everything you need!!!! :)

    4. #718211


      I could send you whatever you need. The clothing is quite expensive so I hope we could make a fair trade. What would you trade for the clothing?

      • #718327


        Hi! I have lots of gem lamps and I can “pay you back” by buying some wShop items. I’m not sure about the value, because they’re Deluxe, but current Kinzstyle outlet. I’ll check tomorrow which items i need specifically. Thanks! :D

    5. #718210


      I have an extra pair of butterfly wings.I’ll send them over! =3

      • #718328


        Thanks, Hawkclaw. :) Knew I could count on you. :D

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