I need Rock Jacket and Hula Flowered Top!! -ferretfriend :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I need Rock Jacket and Hula Flowered Top!! -ferretfriend :)

This topic contains 47 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  ferretfriend 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89645


    <p>PLMK If you have either! Thanks! -ferretfriend :)

    1. #674859


      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-10-17 at 11:35 AM

      Ailuropoda wrote on 2012-10-17 at 11:26 AM
      Ferret, I’ll just send you the Sea Cap’n Belt and top. As you probably suspected, I was only trying to trade for the hula top for you anyway.
      BIG problem, though, right now I can’t get to the KinzPost Office.
      I was able to play with the map earlier, and put it there from my dock, but now it’s gone from map and dock both, and the edit button is gone from the map.
      I’m sure they’ll fix it quickly, and I’ll send you some trading stuff as soon as I can.

      No! Don’t! I don’t deserve anything! No! Wait! Stop! Don’t! What do you expect me to trade them for? AH!
      PS I still owe you that story. . . I’ll try posting again ;)

      D: O.m.g. I said NO! D: What in the world do I send you?? I have log lodge pool, easter egg shoes, and more!!! tell me ??? What in the whole wide world are you looking for right now? I’ll travel far and wide to find it!!! Tell me!!!

      PS The story isn’t posting. . . You’ve got plus right? I might have to tell it to you there. . .

    2. #674858


      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-10-17 at 12:51 PM

      WackyWebber wrote on 2012-10-17 at 12:31 PM
      FF- Hey there. :) Just wanted to say hi real quick and to say that if there’s anything you’re looking for (since you already have plenty of Rock Jackets and it appears you’re going to get the Hula Top, which I don’t have) LMK and I’d be happy to try and get it for you if I don’t already have it. (:
      AILUROPODA- Hi there. You might know me better by my UN pookiejosephine. I just wanted to ask if there was anything in particular that you need or want? I enjoy sending you little things and I know you already have so much, I just would love to get you something you really need/want. Just LMK if there is anything! I’d be happy to seek it out for you. ~WW

      Hey WW! Thanks or asking! right now I am really looking for the dire wolf PSI, the vampire bat PSI, the candy corn mouse PSI, the sugar coated cat PSI, and any new PSI or signature. (AS you can see, I love PSI!) I am also looking for the peridot side table and lamp, the aquamarine furniture set, the amethyst bed, and various promo, but those are more dreams. ;)

      Its no problem! I’m glad to help. I don’t currently have any of the specific things you listed but I will definitely keep my eyes open for all of those! I haven’t been in the trading room much lately so I’ve kind of been accumulating various things so I will try my best to see if I can’t get one or perhaps more of those! I’ll LYK if so. :) ~WW

    3. #674853


      WackyWebber wrote on 2012-10-17 at 12:31 PM

      FF- Hey there. :) Just wanted to say hi real quick and to say that if there’s anything you’re looking for (since you already have plenty of Rock Jackets and it appears you’re going to get the Hula Top, which I don’t have) LMK and I’d be happy to try and get it for you if I don’t already have it. (:
      AILUROPODA- Hi there. You might know me better by my UN pookiejosephine. I just wanted to ask if there was anything in particular that you need or want? I enjoy sending you little things and I know you already have so much, I just would love to get you something you really need/want. Just LMK if there is anything! I’d be happy to seek it out for you. ~WW

      Hey WW! Thanks or asking! right now I am really looking for the dire wolf PSI, the vampire bat PSI, the candy corn mouse PSI, the sugar coated cat PSI, and any new PSI or signature. (AS you can see, I love PSI!) I am also looking for the peridot side table and lamp, the aquamarine furniture set, the amethyst bed, and various promo, but those are more dreams. ;)

    4. #674852


      winnie1120 wrote on 2012-10-17 at 11:47 AM

      FF what is your user name? I want to send the the Toy Chest you wanted. LMK! :-)

      Hey, sorry for not replying. ‘m not trying to ignore you. My computer is having a few problems. You don’t need to do that but that is kind. I did get a far north sleigh in the tradding room if you would like that for it LMK! My user is bierstadt, maybe we can meet later in the TR?

    5. #674849


      FF- Hey there. :) Just wanted to say hi real quick and to say that if there’s anything you’re looking for (since you already have plenty of Rock Jackets and it appears you’re going to get the Hula Top, which I don’t have) LMK and I’d be happy to try and get it for you if I don’t already have it. (:

      AILUROPODA- Hi there. You might know me better by my UN pookiejosephine. I just wanted to ask if there was anything in particular that you need or want? I enjoy sending you little things and I know you already have so much, I just would love to get you something you really need/want. Just LMK if there is anything! I’d be happy to seek it out for you. ~WW

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