In need of names for Sig. Portuguese Water dog and Sig. Beagle!!

Home Forums Pets – Archives In need of names for Sig. Portuguese Water dog and Sig. Beagle!!

This topic contains 11 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  LittleRaini 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #802385

    Hi, I really need some GOOD names for a signature Portuguese water dog and signature beagle that I will be getting very soon! the beagle will be a girl and the PWD will be a boy (they will be married!! :D) I don’t want names like Roxy or Buddy, reason being is I don’t like the name roxy at all (sorry if I offended some) and Buddy is a really cute name but I want more unique and uncommon names. thank you!!! PEACE OUT

    1. #805136

      I’ve Decided to name my Water Dog Westyn (I love that name thank you inki14!) and Scarlet for my beagle (Thank you angelgirldog7!) I was thinking Gordon for PWD but I like Westyn a lot better, plus I love the name Scarlet! Thank you for all your help! All of the names that you guys suggested were awesome Thanx!

    2. #804110


      Water dog: Alex, Westyn, Brad, Peter, Dylan, Jake, Marty. Beagle: Alana, Willa, Bella, Penny, Dixie, Jessica, Marlene. Hope it helps and please tell us what you decide!! -Missy <3

    3. #802834

      Okay well since they are a “couple” I think matching names would be cute. Hmm, I know this sounds like Duh but what about Mr. and Mrs.or Classics Romeo and Juliet would be cute, or Mark Antony and Cleopatra!

      • #802840


        my brother got a pwd but i forgot what he named him and for beagle here is a list of some cute names: bella, princess, lina, queenie, diamond, petunia, sweetheart, starluck , amber, moon, snowie, blossom, cherry, silva, lolli, dot, melody,and cookie, check back on me or friend me on webkinz if you play my user is pinkiey6 bye pinkiey6

    4. #803064

      how about Bo for the PWD? and Scarlet for the Beagle? ~Texas Girl

    5. #803192


      Hmm, what about using some couple name? Like, you could call them Bonnie and Clyde or something?

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