Items for trade!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Items for trade!

This topic contains 11 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  markg97 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #805810


    Everything MUST GO! i’m trading items, and will be glad o give them away! here they are! Furniture: Zum balloon Showman snowman kit Raziel topiary Leafy lounger (<– psi!) and High end lounger (i have 2!) Clothes: Wizard school’s professors robe Lumberjack coat Zodiac earth shoes Snow globe hat (i have 2!) Forest archer dress Wildflower headdress Road trip pink hat Fiery flamenco dress (DELUXE!) Food: i have like 157 items and dont want any. not gonna list em all.

    1. #806941


      Hi I want to know What you want for the Fiery Flamenco Dress I have the Alyssa starry Dress for it and also rares items just let me know my username is markg97 (same here and no caps) in W.W.

    2. #806890


      I would like the fiery flamenco dress please!! I will offer either the neo gothic bed or Magnificent Iwan rest bed(big Persian bed). Let me know if either of these will work for you!!! : ) -Missy <3

    3. #806839


      I would love the fiery flamenco dress. or if its already taken i would love the snow globe hat also. I sadly dont have much to trade for it though

    4. #806818


      Hi I like the forest archer and flamenco dresses, surely I can give you something, but whomever is first, give it to them.

    5. #806782

      I’m interested in your wildflower headress. Let me know what you are looking to get in trade for it. Thanks ~MORHB~

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