It’s pink, yellow, aqua, green, purple, and blue! It’s the Neon Tutu!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives It’s pink, yellow, aqua, green, purple, and blue! It’s the Neon Tutu!!!

This topic contains 212 replies, has 43 voices, and was last updated by  passwordn2 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #756009


    Hey there! Thanks for coming to my forum! Judging from the title, you should be able to guess that this forum is about the Neon Tutu. Here is where you can come to post your failues and the real recipe if you figure it out.

    1. #784688


      Adding on to Markg97, i figured that somthing “dazzling pink and a blast from the past” would be the Funky Flowered Pants. i absolutely know that they HAVE to be in the recipe! I have been trying to figure this recipe out for the past month and i spent 4000 KC TRYING TO DO IT! Hope this helps :)

    2. #784615


      I just made a free account so that I don’t have to spend all the kc on my main account. Oh, and the UN is tuliptango(heh heh, sorry about the confusion Gracie). Gracie, I have a question. Well, I want to make a Ganz World account for my free account(like how my Webkinz World UN is connected to my Ganz World account), but if I connect it to the same email address will it hurt my main account(friend2day/chillylily). Please answer ASAP! I know you have two accounts so I figured you would understand. And thank you for inviting me to your cheerleader party. I was there but no one else showed up. If anyone has a clown wig could you please try that combination that AMM03 posted.~Stay Chilly and Pretty Like a Lily

    3. #784485


      dogfish- thank you so much to hear from you again-if you have any more closets you won on the wheel of wow I would love for you to share again- BTW for the first time ever I actually won a sofa on the wheel of wow- I always get 20 KC, the floppy hat or the packets of carrots so I was super happy-I am going to make your pets some food and send it to you! I know how hungry our pets can get! If there are other recipes aside from the three you shared let me know and I will make them for you too! Best to bestie- crissy135

    4. #784462


      Oh, thank you arland :D ! Please do Black Vest+Ruffled Skirt+ALL Bottoms, Glasses, and Belts. Thanks again!! :D :D :D :D

    5. #783757


      Thank you everyone! So glad to have more people to help! Cuddlyfur, I loved your idea and I’m going to do that and please do Black Vest+Ruffled Skirt+ALL Footwear. Crissy, thats okay. And I too had trouble getting to the party. I think its because now there is ONLY ONE ZONE :( ! Aaaagh, I hate the new change! Anyways, please let me know how the combinations are coming and tell me when you’re ready to do more. Hey Gracie!!! I had tons of fun with you earlier! Please do Black Vest+Ruffled Skirt+ALL Hats. :D ~Stay Chilly and Pretty Like a Lily

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