jelly bean guesses

Home Forums Games – Archives jelly bean guesses

This topic contains 21 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  lukecat 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #690857


    has anyone every won in the jelly bean guesses. I have been trying since 2000 and have never won yet

    1. #787471


      How have you been trying since 2000? Webkinz came out in 2005 lol!! But yeah it’s really hard to win. I’ve been on webkinz for six years now and never won anything. I don’t usually enter though so maybe that’s why. I wish the prizes for it were better since it’s so hard to win.

      • #860282

        I bet they probably meant 2009? maybe they pressed a 0 instead of a 9 by mistake. I was thinking the same thing though.

    2. #769911


      thanks for the help i have been trying for ever so i will tell you if i win

    3. #768950

      I have won with a 5,087 I thought it was a weird guess but it worked :)

    4. #760417

      never won and have been playing for 2 years so I am hoping that with reading these messages I may have a better chance

    5. #726614

      i won once at at party room. it was just below the label. winning guess was 347. is the 10,000 count for the regular challenge? i find the entire thing very very frustrating tho.

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