Lamb’s PSF collection!

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This topic contains 444 replies, has 42 voices, and was last updated by  TinaKitty24 11 years ago.

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  • #815845


    Hi everyone. I have started my psf collection, now that I have finally gotten which foods I have in order LOL. But to list all the ones I need would take way to long, so I am kind of going to be listing them by groups of pets. The first one I am doing is horses. I am hoping to finish off the whole list then move to the next group of pets.
    I would appreciate it if you could just go over the list and see if you have any of the pets and psf. My username is Bubblon so feel free to add me. Thanks and it’s much appreciated, Lamb

    1. #856896


      i don’t have any horses, but i have TONS of other pets that would love to share some food with you! here is my list of pets: unicorn, batik elaphant, patchy puppy, rockerz cow, pink punch cheeky dog, pink poodle, black bear, pink glitter fish, B&W cat, striped ally cat, seal, and chickadee! all of them are willing to give you as much food as you want. TWELVE PETS! twelve! >~pop~<

      • #859916


        Hi Popy! Out of those the only one I need is the rockerz cow! My UN is Bubblon so if you could send one over that’d be great! Thanks, Lamb

    2. #856576

      I don’t know if MORHB is reading this, but if you are, I have something for your boys’ circus room if you’d like it. It’s hoops of fire from Adventure Park. I’ll send you, just telling you here to let you know if you don’t want it you can sell or trade and not to send anything back. Thanks -JesusismyLord.

      • #857486

        Hi JIML. I did get the hoops. I haven’t sent it to them yet though. I just wanted to say THANKS! ~MORHB~

    3. #856517


      Hi! Guess what I got another Promo item from trading. Deep Dish Plane. I got it for Reindeer Shirt (Winterfest this year) and Polar Bear Hat (Winterfest this year). I think I am glad I decided trading room. I got 4 Promos, several Retired Exclusives, PSI, and other items I didn’t know existed. Now I just have to finish the Candy Corn Witch and Egyptian Costume I started collecting, Thanks everyone for the support and knowledge you gave me. If I have trouble i will list the items to you guys ok. I want to get rid of some stuff in my house. Starting to do my spring cleaning.-Atom

      • #857042

        Atom, I found someone in the trading room (KC plus) who has the red lava lamp, and she wants to trade you in person (she said she’s willing to go to the regular Kinz chat club house) but before that, she wants me to tell her what you offer for it. (she said she wanted priceless or promo) if you want me to look for a better deal, I can, I just wanted to let you know in case you would want to trade her. (I’m sure I could find someone else who has it, but some people are so picky) By the way, if you trade her, since she didn’t want to trade me, tell me what you gave her and I’ll try to get it back for you.

        • #857487


          I think that is a little too much for me!! I don’t know what to do. Lamb, Mark help me decide.-Atom

        • #857488


          Thanks JIML, I don’t have much good stuff anymore so tell me what you did to get it and I will try and look for it for you., Thanks for your kindness. That is the reason I only sent you a TYN.-Atom

    4. #856349


      OMG!! I just found out I got 3 Promo Items in the trading room today that are cool. Clover Wardrobe, Carried Away Bed, Staircase Hideaway. I traded Love Frog PSI, Chicken PSI, and Jelly Bean Tree. All except the chicken PSI were douplicates but I didn’t care for it got it for cheep anyways!!! WOWIE FOR ME!!! What is the value anyways, was that good value wise or just atom thrill wise? Ha HA-Atom

      • #856453


        Wow Atom, congrats! LOL it sounds like it was a nice trade. Enjoy them. And I can’t wait till the forums are redone, I might make a new trade list forum then as well. Lamb

      • #856457


        Congrats Atom. on your trades, Very cool and just curious, but do you have KinzChat Plus or Regular KinzChat (I have Regular Kinzchat)? I think Tyler should have the value cover oh and i was trying to invite you over yesterday but you where busy, i’ll try again sometime. anyway See you around W.W. and congrats again on the good trades

        • #856464


          Hi Mark, did you get the rare I sent? I hope it can be used for trading. Sorry I sent so slow, I found it in the trading room as well. I am hoping to collect the rares and their are several I don’t have yet so when one comes I by it for my collection. I saw some in their but were a lot of KC. I hope it brings you joy when you get something special from the trading room. Lamb, I saw the opus sofa there and tried getting it for you but I failed, same with Apple Pie Bed. Oh well. I am going to post a trade list after I get more things I am hoping to collect, This way it will be easier for everybody as I don’t have to post as much. Thanks for being so awesome! :)-Atom

          • #856871


            Hey Atom. Yes I did get the Rare, Thank You for it I’ll try trading with it, and do you need to know the value of the Promos, Let me know and i’ll help with that. and not a Problem about the Apple Pie Super Bed cause JesusismyLord might be sending it to me although I’m not sure what they want? Anyway See you around W.W.

          • #856970


            Hey Atom it’s ok. I remember trying to trade in regular kinz chat trading rooms and it drove me insane. I would encourage both of you to get kinz chat plus! TTYL, Lamb

          • #857019


            That means I will trade what I have now TR and close friends then post a list when it is fixed several months in the future. This way I have less to ask for on my wishlist. Like you! Plus not really sure what to ask for so if I knock some possibilities out it will be easier for everyone.-Atom

        • #857017


          Hi Mark! It made me thrilled. The values of all promo are 150,00+. That is very valueable and I love them all! Finishing rooms and clothing and getting food. Lamb by the way I sent you a PSF, from Zen Dragon. I got it from trading room. Hope you need it not that it matters only traded zum food. I only have regular KC too. Sorry been really busy with me rooms. I am reorganizing and fixing them to make them better. Thanks DF and JIML for your presents. I will continue to try and win newer stuff for you. I sent you the other items you liked from my stock and the soccer costume I won. They don’t look great on my pets. Think soccer game and retired pets should have better prizes. I don’t want them to change park not done only have 353 pieces of trash. Before it was E-store like Lamb said and now it is cake and shoes that anyone has and are widely available. TTYS-Atom

          • #857155


            @Atom. That’s Good glad you got the values for the items, I would love to see what you have done with them once you get a room theme organize with them. and @Tyler. I kinda like regular KinzChat cause you never know what they will offer, I got a Manatee, Lava Dragon, and Pegasus PSI out of trade. But I do agree, sometime I wish they would let you say Pet Special Item once in awhile but the best you can say is ‘would wants to trade POTM’ it somewhat works, but I might ask my parents for it. Anyway See Ya’ll around W.W.

            • #857459


              Ya Mark I agree. I did get some random good trades in kinzchat but chat plus is easier to ask for specifically what you want. And great job on the trades Atom! I’m pretty sure I need that food so thanks! Lamb

            • #857494


              @Tyler. True and I guess you get more trades out of it and you can be more pacific on what you want, but still we all have are good days and bad days in trading. Oh Quick question do you like the new Wshop? I’m not a big fan of it because it’s categorize weirdly and the mix of e-Store and Wshop items together doesn’t help in finding things and Do you know where you can find whats on Sale I can’t find it and I don’t want to waste my new E-store points.

            • #857621


              Hi Mark. To tell the truth I don’t really like the new w-shop. It’s cool but I don’t like how it takes you someplace else it’s not just an add on screen if you’re in your room or something. And it mixes up the items in your dock weirdly. And I’m not sure how to find items on sale, I’ll try and find out though. LT

            • #857822


              I do agree it does seem like they take you somewhere else when you enter, and the thing about the dock it’s alphabetically organize, and I still haven’t found whats on Sale maybe they got rid of it? Anyway See you around W.W.

            • #857890


              They should have a sale’s section because when you go to the article about the new w-shop there is a section called sales in the picture but it’s not in the actual w-shop. And there is some sort of quiz on webkinznewz that shows you some things you can buy with 2000 points. LT

            • #858096


              Hey Tyler, I look all over and I cannot find quiz on Webkinz Newz? I’ll check daily to see if something I want goes on Sale. I also notice that they got rid of the Check Out system the list of items before you bought them. I think Ganz Should have asked if this was a Good or Bad Idea before they did it. But one Thing I did like was when you sell items back to Wshop you can put 3 more items on it. Anyway See you around W.W.

            • #858401


              Ya Mark. I agree about the checking out. Does it go back to the home page when you buy though? Cause if not I guess it’s ok. And it’s nice about the selling items too. LT

            • #858673


              Hey Tyler (sorry if this gets posted twice something went funny with my computer) anyway, Okay when you buy thing in the Wshop it leaves you on the item, not back to the main category. And I’m going to send you something when St. Patrick’s Day comes along cause that should be a good time when the new Forms System is done. See you around W.W.

            • #858917


              Oh ok Mark. Thanks. And I can’t wait for the new forums to come. Sorry I was kind of busy these last three days. TTYL! LT

            • #858942


              Not a problem, I can’t wait for the New Forms also. See you around W.W.

            • #858943


              Not a problem, I can’t wait for the New Forms also. and I know things get busy. See you around W.W.

      • #856519

        Wow, lucky you, I have a replacement chicken psi you can have if you’d like.

        • #857018


          No thanks but thanks for offering. Never really liked that PSI.-Atom

    5. #856306


      Thank you DF for the present and the KC. Your raccoon was clever. I really like parties because I get to see the E-store Items and what they do. That donut case thing didn’t want to give me a donut. I tried really hard too. Was that light up rose bush E-store? That was the coolest thing in their with the piano. I recognized the melody it was playing. I would like to thank everyone for helping me and I have a special announcement: after the forums get fixed I will be posting another trade list and a talk forum so I am looking forward to that. Also my Retired Exclusive Wishlist is almost done thanks to everyone’s help. 1 more left!! Red Lava Lamp. I am hoping I can do a Retired Exclusive for Retired Exclusive Trade for it. What do you think??-Atom

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