Lamb’s PSF collection!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Lamb’s PSF collection!

This topic contains 444 replies, has 42 voices, and was last updated by  TinaKitty24 11 years ago.

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  • #815845


    Hi everyone. I have started my psf collection, now that I have finally gotten which foods I have in order LOL. But to list all the ones I need would take way to long, so I am kind of going to be listing them by groups of pets. The first one I am doing is horses. I am hoping to finish off the whole list then move to the next group of pets.
    I would appreciate it if you could just go over the list and see if you have any of the pets and psf. My username is Bubblon so feel free to add me. Thanks and it’s much appreciated, Lamb

    1. #857154

      Hi! Atom just told me this is where we are chatting now! Thanks Atom! Blessings! goldbybrittnicoll

      • #857465

        Hi Gold! :D I just wanted to let you know that Atom, Snow, and I are on my forum ”what signature pet are you” just to chat until new forums can be made again( I want to create a Username History 3 as soon as I can ) Atom would like you to join us on my signature forum. If that one gets erased, my back up topics are Pet Talk and SC’s Food Cart just in case. Or we could meet here instead if it’s ok with Lamb. Have a sweet and blessed day!~SC

        • #857496

          What section is it in? Blessings! goldbybrittnicoll

          • #857752


            Just click Sweetcupcake’s name and it should come up first. Peace-Atom

          • #857767

            The ”Pets” section. Here’s a short cut to it. Click on my name, click topics started, and the topic will be there.

        • #857500


          Thanks so much sweetcupcake! Gold have you checked out these songs by Britt Nicole? Indestrucatable, Believe, and Walk On Water. Anyways when I did the IMovie for school I choose Christian songs. It was supposed to be about my life. The songs snippets I choose from were: Born again by Newsboys, All this time by Britt Nicole, Gold by Britt Nicole, Walk On Water By Britt Nicole, Eye on It by Toby Mac ft. Britt Nicole, Write Your Story by Francisca Benistelli, and Ready Or Not by Britt Nicole. Thanks for being a great friend everyone!-Atom

          • #857754


            I love the Lost Get Found by Britt Nicole too Gold! Thanks for the lyrics!-Atom

            • #858100

              I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Lost get Found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you do to!!! :)! Blessings! goldbybrittnicoll

          • #857768

            I LOVE IMovie! :D I use it a lot, and it’s awesome!

        • #857507


          Hey Sweet Cupcake. Can I just call you cupcake? LOL. And I don’t mind at all if you guys chat here. Lamb

          • #857766

            Hi Lamb! Yes! You can just call me cupcake. ;) Or Sweetzie, SC, Sweetz, Schweetz, Sweet Cupcake, sweetcupcake16…I don’t care which one( those are all names that ppl call me ). Thanks!~Cupcake

    2. #857133

      Atom, I wanted to let you know the person is no longer interested in trading. I’m sorry, :cry: :( I will do anything to get the red lava lamp for you, but it will be harder than I thought because someone told me it is a priceless item.

      • #857489

        oops never mind again Atom, lol I hope you like it. :lol:

      • #857498


        OMGosh! THANKS so much for doing that for me JesusismyLord!!!! I didn’t send anything back because I didn’t know what to send. :( Wow thanks thanks thanks. By the way, any ideas for the e-store points what to buy?-Atom

        • #857508


          Thank You JesusismyLord, for the Gift my sister is going to love it but did you want something in return or is their something I can try to get you? I can send over a Super Bed Box in return if you want it. Thank You once again and See you around W.W.

    3. #857028


      What are you still looking for? I didn’t realize this forum had so many pages!!

      • #857460


        Hi everyone this is what I still need:
        - Rainbow Pegasus (Rainbow marshmallow kebab)
        - Blonde Cockapoo (doggy bone cone)
        - Pink punch cheeky dog (berry berry smoothie)
        That’s all for now then I’ll do the next lists. Thanks for everyone’s help!! LT

        • #857497


          I will look around for them in the trading room. -Atom

    4. #857025


      You are so right mom. I do the same thing with my foods and the ones that I’m sending to you!! I love collecting food. I don’t know if I have those ones you are looking for, I do have some extras and will have to take a look. I will send you a friend request for WW. I’m sophi400.

    5. #856947


      I HAVE THE UNICORN! her name is dimond and she would love to share some of her sparkle fondue! sparkling flower fondue is SO pretty! >~pop~<

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