Lamb’s PSF collection!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Lamb’s PSF collection!

This topic contains 444 replies, has 42 voices, and was last updated by  TinaKitty24 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #815845


    Hi everyone. I have started my psf collection, now that I have finally gotten which foods I have in order LOL. But to list all the ones I need would take way to long, so I am kind of going to be listing them by groups of pets. The first one I am doing is horses. I am hoping to finish off the whole list then move to the next group of pets.
    I would appreciate it if you could just go over the list and see if you have any of the pets and psf. My username is Bubblon so feel free to add me. Thanks and it’s much appreciated, Lamb

    1. #817858

      Hi LT. If you want to look for my PSF trading forum and check to see if I have any PSF’s you need, just leave a list there and I will send over. Hope your lists get filled quickly. ~mom~

      • #817969


        Yes I am actually gonna go check now. Thanks for all your help! Next list or lists will be coming soon! Lamb

    2. #817746


      Hay Tyler, I send you all my (16) Webkinz PSF I don’t know if you have them or need them, but i’ll try to help out with your collection Okay nothing in return Okay See you around W.W.

      • #817964


        Yes I got the first ones and I needed all of them so, so far so good! LOL. Thanks Mark! Lamb

    3. #817539


      Hiya Lamb! Is it alright if I just send the PSF I have? I don’t have any estore pets or signature pets, but I can always trade for them and send them over. Just let me know what would be okay with you. Thanks! –Maddie :)

      • #817849


        Hey Maddie! Of course you can send whatever you want! I just started by making a list of horses to keep organized. Chances are you would send me something I would end up needing eventually. Send whatever you would like! Thanks, Lamb

    4. #817469


      Do you have any PSF from retired pets or Signature pets? I’d prefer those, if you don’t mind. ^^

      • #817688


        Sorry sour candy but these are the ones I am trying to collect! But I do have like one or to retired pets so I can send you those. What’s your username? Mine is Bubblon. Thanks, LT

    5. #817440


      Hey Lamb! Im WAYYY to lazy to scroll through all of the comments to find out but do you still need the regular horse or black friesian PSF? If not i will wait untnill you post another list for some different pats, but LMK if you still need any of those two and i can send ‘em over :) ~~Melody Musical Dalmation

      • #817687


        Hey fox star! I actually do need the black Friesian so sending that over would be great! Thanks, LT

        • #817859


          okie, i sent it over :) I will send you any psi you need on the next list that you post (If i have it) ~~Melody Musical Dalmation

          • #817968


            Thanks and that will be great fox star! P.S. You don’t have a long wait the next lists will be coming soon! Lamb

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