lava lamps.. anyone have?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives lava lamps.. anyone have?

This topic contains 10 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  hershey111 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #825691


    Hi guys, this is my first post as a member of Ganz world. My little sister and I are collecting retired exclusives. We are currently looking for lava lamps right now, (already got green and red. Blue and purple are needed). We can offer stuff like priceless clothes or newer retired exclusives. If any of you who need, or have these, please comment here. thank you!

    1. #831159


      Hi, thank you. My username is beart567 :)

    2. #827055

      Ugh, sorry, but i just found out that i don’t have blue lava anymore. :(

    3. #826416

      Hi hershy! Welcome to the Newz!! :D I used to collect retired exclusives as well, but i decided to stop when i wasn’t playing webkinz as much as i used to, so i have lots of them. I know for certain that i have a green one, (of course that doesn’t matter because you already have one :P) and i know that i got a blue one before but i’m not sure if i have it or not. I’ll have to dig around for it, but i’ll let you know if i find it or not. ;)

    4. #826412


      Congradulations on your first post ever on Ganzworld! I don’t have anything you need to trade as of now, but I will keep my eyes peeled! -Atom

    5. #826380


      Hi! I’m sorry: I don’t have any lava lamps! However, I’m interested in the priceless clothing you might have? Is there anything else you might need for priceless? And, if you wouldn’t mind, could you list the priceless you have? I’d also appreciate it if you could let me know your username, so I can friend you. Or, you can friend me @Madukayil. ;) If its too much trouble, never mind. Thanks! –Maddie :)

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