Let’s Trade!

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This topic contains 103 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  markg97 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #773540


    Hi I’m looking for these Items, Stylish Ski Helmet and Snowsuit ( both Deluxe) and the Vampiress Costume (Veil, Dress, Shoes). Donuts Seeds, Caramel Apple seeds, and the Banana Split seeds, Carnival Carousel and the Lurking Lagoon ( All P.O.T.M.), Fresh Waterfall (Signature Endanger Item), Neo Gothic Floor Lamp, Dining Table and Pillar. Iwan Rest Bed, Sanstone Spa and the Whimiscal Wonderland Flooring (All Rare). What I have: Glittery Evening Gown, Alyssa Starry Dress and the Fire Queen Dress (Deluxe), Stella Starry Blaster and the Magic 9 Ball (P.O.T.M.), Tranquil Television (Signature Endanger Item) and parts of the Victorian Garden and other themes, In-Home Bowling Alley, Rock Garden and a Roadster Go-Kart (Rare) and a Bed of Roses (Super Bed). I know it’s a lot and maybe hard to fine but I really like these items. If interested let me know or anything else you want to trade I might just have it. Please and Thank You

    1. #775019

      ho mark. sorry i still don’t have any thing on your wishlist. i do have recipe clothing stuff though. I have heard of Celtic Woman and of Celtic Thunder if anybody wishes to know. ~Thunderhead Forever!

      • #775405


        Okay, do you have any deluxe clothing for trade or any other rare items. And I know who C.T. is (sister fav. band) and C.W. is one of my favorites.

    2. #774622


      Hello Webkinz traders! As some of you may know I was off Webkinz for a few months due to technical issues and when I returned I found that all of my items were gone! I was hacked! My rockerz stuff was gone my shuts were gone my rare items and all of my priceless items! Of course I was devastated! I wanted to know if this has happened to any of you guys and how you coped? I got some new webkinz and have been trading in the clubhouse so I have SOME things (not as cool though just some exclusive items and such) so I will post a trading list as soon as possible please reply~horsyfuzzy

      • #775450


        Sorry to hear that horsy., call Ganz maybe they might help, CHECK your friends list to see if anybody might be new they might have taken your stuff and CHANGE your password to prevent more from being lost. Hope this help and again sorry it happen to you. And I have a question why are you telling us on a trading forum and why not on your own forum?

      • #786125

        dont know if you still need it but i have bed of roses

    3. #774710


      Markg97 here, i’m updating my list, some new items Celestial S’more Campsite (bengal tiger), Fresh Water Waterfall Wall (Chimpanzee) both Adventure Park Grand Prize and Candy Cane Seeds. What I have is the Persian Cat (Non-Signature) PSI and the Pink Poodle PSI and I got the Neo Gothic Pillar form a friend (thanks) so I don’t need that anymore.

    4. #773779

      Hi Mark. I sent you the Neo Gothic Pillar. I’m sorry I didn’t have more from your wishlist. I’ll keep an eye out for your wants though. Have a good day!

      • #773850


        Thank You Alice, I was not expecting the other two Items and thanks for the Neo Gothic Pillar, did you want something in return?

    5. #773781

      I don,t have any of those, but i would love the glittery evening gown. though i do have the NEO GOTHIC CLOCK. PLMK ASAP!!! ~ Thunderhead Forever!

      • #774697


        Sorry, I all ready have the Neo Gothic Clock, but I will put a update on my list maybe their might be a item on it that you want to trade.

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