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Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for…

This topic contains 38 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  markg97 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #786165

    I’m looking for some things and would love to make a trade with anyone who has an item(s) off of my wishlist. My wishlist is as follows: AliceInWebkinzland’s WISHLIST:

    Jeweled Fountain (Razzle Dazzle Dog)
    Pup Star Vanity (Dazzle Dachshund)
    Relaxing Rocky Sauna (Lynx)
    Hibernation Hammock (Grizzly Bear)
    Taste Tester Fountain (Licorice Fish, Candykinz Estore) **Biggest Want**
    Polar Lamp Post (Minty Moose) **Big Want**
    Dawn of Time Window (Pterodactyl, Estore)
    Silky Drapes (Silk Sparrow, Estore) **Big Want**
    Log Lodge Pool (Signature Beaver)
    Canopy Treadmill (Endangered Signature Clouded Leopard) **Big Want**
    Springtime Basket Chair (Sherbet Bunny) **Big Want**
    Cheeky Dog Range (Cheeky Dog) **Big Want**
    Super Sugar Swing (Sugar Rush Butterfly, Candykinz Estore)
    Lovely Tree Swing (Love Puffin, Estore)
    Molten Lava Bed (Lava Dragon)

    Summer Rose Jacket **Big Want**

    Cloudy Window
    Window to Zumwhere

    Charm Forest-
    Charm Forest Window
    Charm Forest Wall/Flooring

    Caring Valley-
    Caring Sights Window **Big Want**

    **Big Want**Endangered Signature Wallpaper & Flooring Sets-**
    **Rainforest Retreat Walls/Floor**
    **Sunny Savanna Walls/Floor**
    **Cape Mountain Walls/Floor**
    **Himalayan Forest Walls/Floor**
    **Swamplands Walls/Floor**
    **Tropical Dry Forest Sanctuary Walls/Floor**

    Blooming Garden Shed
    Dog Bone Sofa **Big Want**
    Wintery Window

    1. #789059

      Hey Alice well i have no idea what i need for the bed or dress lol just let me know your offer and we’ll work something out thanks and lots of luck! <3

      • #789755

        Alpine- Okay, well why don’t I make a list of PSI and clothing and see if anything appeals to you. I can always make a full list if not.
        Wilds of the Jungle Sofa
        Tie Dye Kaleidoscope
        Culinary Cat Counter
        Pink & White Scratching Post Chair
        Spiral Pink Roses
        Prehistoric Stove
        Lap It Up Pool
        Reeds ‘n Rushes Sofa
        Blueberry Bumper Car
        Frozen Pond
        Cell Phone Sofa
        Beautiful Blush Treadmill
        Fire Hydrant Fridge
        Chocolate Fountain
        Desert Drive-In
        Elephant’s Travel Trunk
        Little Lamb Bed
        Rabbit Eared Television
        FASTCAR Racer
        Pink Convertible
        Schnauzer Jalopy
        Webkinz Beauty Dress and Tiara
        Mazin Hamster Stunt Belt
        Mazin Hamster Stunt Shoes
        Mazin Hamster Stunt Top (2)
        Twilight’s Ball Gown (2)
        Ms. Birdy’s Pink Blazer
        Field Jacket
        Sunflower Bonnet
        Baker’s Apron
        Designer Dress
        Blue Vogue Vampire Pants
        Purple Wizard Hat
        Gold Modern Vampire Belt (2)
        Gold Vogue Vampire Belt
        Blue Vogue Vampire Top
        Purple Modern Vampire Shirt
        Purple Wizard Robe
        Trading Card Game Jacket
        Purple Wizard Shoes (2)
        Trading Card Game Hat
        Pink Diving Bell Outfit (Helmet, Shirt, Flippers, Bottom)
        Card Collector Cropped Jacket
        Nafaria’s Purple Slippers
        Zodiac Earth Bottom
        Ghost Pirate’s Hat
        Zodiac Earth Hat
        Team Sera Shirt
        Spring Chick Dress
        Trading Card Game Pants
        Springtime Coat
        Bunny Bow Hat
        Flowery Print Dress
        Charmed Boots
        Wild West Dress (2)
        Charm Fairy Shoes
        Zodiac Earth Shoes (2)
        Zodiac Earth Top (2)
        Road Trip Red Hat
        Road Trip Red Shirt
        Pretty Flower Dress
        Zodiac Air Shoes
        Zodiac Air Hat
        Diving Bell Top (Blue)
        Zodiac Air Bottom
        Varsity Jacket
        Cloud Dress
        Diving Bell Flippers (Yellow)
        Road Trip Green Hat (2)
        Diving Bell Bottom (Blue)
        Mining Helmet
        Cloud Adventure Shoes (2)
        Hula Grass Skirt
        Zodiac Water Hat (2)
        Pop Rock Princess Hat
        Purple Paw Belt
        Polka Dot Hoody
        Ruffle Tee
        Undersea Dress
        Summer Sun Bonnet
        Patriotic Top Hat
        Charmed Mushroom Hat (2)
        Turquoise Hoodie (2)
        Patriotic Tuxedo Jacket (2)
        Summer Rose Leggings
        Summer Rose Headband
        Freeworld Rocking Pants
        3D Glasses (3)
        LMK if anything interests you for the dress and bed. I can make a more extensive list if need be. Thanks!

        • #791072

          I like the hula skirt and rose headband would you trade one or both or those for the bed? Whichever you prefer <3

          • #792724

            Hi Alpine. I would trade either of those for the Bed. LMK which one you’d prefer. I believe we’re already friends, so just a reminder my UN is pookiejosephine. The Clubhouse often malfunctions so it usually works best for me to trade via KP. I will send first if need be. LMK, thank you!

            • #794787

              heya again sorry I wasn’t on I have been redecorating my room so I haven’t been on as much. I would love the hula skirt for the bed if you feel that’s fair please let me know as I hope to trade with you soon :)

            • #794789

              Thanks so much for being patient :)

    2. #787546

      ALL- Please remove the Silky Smooth Drapes and Summer Rose Jacket from my wishlist. Please add the Silky Soft Sofa (Silkie Chicken) to my wishlist.

    3. #787545

      AILUROPDA- Thank you for the surprise!!! I absolutely love that item, its even cuter than I thought. Plus purple if my favorite color, so that was perfect. Please let me know if there’s anything you need! Thanks again!!

    4. #787371

      I have the summer rose jacket, and the lava bed just let me know what your offer is thanks <3

      • #788015

        Hi alpine. I posted on your forum in regards to the bed and also I expressed interest in your WF Forest Dress. I no longer need the Summer Rose Jacket, but thank you. Are you interested in other PSI for the bed? I’ll make a list as soon as you LMK. Also, PLMK what you’d like for the dress. Thank you!

    5. #787332


      I have The Dog Bone Sofa You Want! So Whatcha offer?

      • #788016

        Hi there. Just want to make sure before we proceed that it is the correct Dog Bone Sofa. The one I’m after is yellow with little dog bone pillows on it. Not the blue one from the Dog Bone theme. Its confusing with there being two so similar in name. If it is the one I’m after, what might you be interested in for it? LMK, thanks!

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