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Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for…

This topic contains 38 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  markg97 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #786165

    I’m looking for some things and would love to make a trade with anyone who has an item(s) off of my wishlist. My wishlist is as follows: AliceInWebkinzland’s WISHLIST:

    Jeweled Fountain (Razzle Dazzle Dog)
    Pup Star Vanity (Dazzle Dachshund)
    Relaxing Rocky Sauna (Lynx)
    Hibernation Hammock (Grizzly Bear)
    Taste Tester Fountain (Licorice Fish, Candykinz Estore) **Biggest Want**
    Polar Lamp Post (Minty Moose) **Big Want**
    Dawn of Time Window (Pterodactyl, Estore)
    Silky Drapes (Silk Sparrow, Estore) **Big Want**
    Log Lodge Pool (Signature Beaver)
    Canopy Treadmill (Endangered Signature Clouded Leopard) **Big Want**
    Springtime Basket Chair (Sherbet Bunny) **Big Want**
    Cheeky Dog Range (Cheeky Dog) **Big Want**
    Super Sugar Swing (Sugar Rush Butterfly, Candykinz Estore)
    Lovely Tree Swing (Love Puffin, Estore)
    Molten Lava Bed (Lava Dragon)

    Summer Rose Jacket **Big Want**

    Cloudy Window
    Window to Zumwhere

    Charm Forest-
    Charm Forest Window
    Charm Forest Wall/Flooring

    Caring Valley-
    Caring Sights Window **Big Want**

    **Big Want**Endangered Signature Wallpaper & Flooring Sets-**
    **Rainforest Retreat Walls/Floor**
    **Sunny Savanna Walls/Floor**
    **Cape Mountain Walls/Floor**
    **Himalayan Forest Walls/Floor**
    **Swamplands Walls/Floor**
    **Tropical Dry Forest Sanctuary Walls/Floor**

    Blooming Garden Shed
    Dog Bone Sofa **Big Want**
    Wintery Window

    1. #801084


      Check out my list

    2. #796411

      I sent the bed Alice thanks for being patient with the forums :)

      • #796770

        Alpine, Seems nothing is posting anymore….Anyhow, the skirt for the bed sounds good to me. Trying to see whether or not helloprettypanda is still interested in it though, since it escaped my mind that I offered it to her. If she is not we are certainly a-go for that trade. But was wondering if the Summer Rose Headband could be a fallback item? LMK, thank you!

        • #796919

          Ignore that post above Alpine. HPP’s answer just posted, so your Hula Skirt is on its way. Thanks for the great trade! Enjoy!

    3. #795205

      Hey Alice, I have the country banjo stage.

      • #796920

        Hi TF. Am definitely interested in that stage. Are you looking for other Rockerz or PSI? I can make a list of PSI, but I only have one Rockerz which is the Autograph Signing Station (Rockerz Fox). LMK, thanks!

    4. #795023


      Hay Alice, I found things that I’m looking for just go to my post (let’s trade) it is at the bottom of page 9. Thanks and it explains why i’m needing those items.

    5. #794451

      Hi Alice! I have one of your big wants if nobody has already given it to you! I have the Minty Moose Psi! I don’t know the value of it, but if you have a list I will be pleased to look at it!

      • #796769

        Hi there! Ooh, yes I certainly would love to offer on that PSI. I don’t have a current list up, but would you like me to make a PSI list in the meantime? PLMK, thank you!

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